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Bitcoin Wallets in the UK: A Comprehensive Overview

Živile Šarkauskaite

Written by

Živile Šarkauskaite

July 11, 2023

The popularity and implementation of cryptocurrency continue to soar in the United Kingdom. Therefore it becomes increasingly important to understand the idea of Bitcoin wallets in the UK and choose one of the best crypto wallets.

We’ll explore the realm of crypto wallets. Furthermore, we’ll reveal how it works, offer insightful advice, and answer relevant questions about your digital assets in the UK.

A cyber wallet

Crypto wallet

Cryptocurrency wallets serve as secure storage for cryptocurrencies. Therefore, users can store, send, and receive various cryptocurrencies. Some wallets also let users purchase and spend coins directly from their wallets.

When selecting a crypto wallet in the UK, you should consider such factors as regulation, functionality, and additional features.

📚Read more: What Is a Crypto Wallet?

How do crypto wallets work?

Blockchain backs Crypto wallets. It is a complex technology – simply a digital public ledger where data is stored in blocks. The blockchain records all transactions, wallet balances, and ownership information.

After you buy cryptocurrency, you don’t store it in the wallet. Instead, you hold it on a blockchain that you can interact with using your wallet.

To grasp the concept of crypto wallets more easily, you can compare it to standard current accounts. Just as current accounts enable people to store money, crypto wallets perform the same function but for digital assets like Bitcoin.

Public addresses

The public code, also known as the wallet address, is the unique ID of a Bitcoin wallet. It is a string of alphanumeric characters that serves as the destination for receiving funds or cryptocurrencies.

Each wallet has a unique public address. The address typically consists of 26 to 35 alphanumeric characters.

Sharing a public address allows others to view the amount of cryptocurrency stored in that wallet. This level of transparency is impossible with a standard current account number and sort code. Therefore, investors in the UK should exercise caution and only share their public addresses when necessary.

Private keys

Similarly to an online banking password, the private key is like a second password for a crypto wallet.

Just as entering the password credentials is necessary for transferring funds in online banking, private keys are essential for accessing a crypto wallet and initiating crypto transactions.

Unauthorized use of it can lead to unauthorized transfers. In this case, once you make a transaction on Bitcoin, the wallet provider is powerless to undo or retrieve it.

Moreover, these keys are longer than public addresses. In the Bitcoin case, it consists of 64 characters – letters and numbers. To ensure additional security, the best Bitcoin wallets in the UK support backup phrases.

The key serves as a secret string of letters and numbers, functioning as a second password that grants exclusive access to one’s funds. Validating it is crucial for a successful crypto transaction, as it proves ownership of the public address within the blockchain.

While you can share public addresses openly, you must keep your private keys secret to prevent theft.


When choosing a Bitcoin budget in the UK, it’s crucial to consider the costs. Usually, users can download, install, and maintain the best crypto wallets without paying any initial fees because they are free to use.

Nevertheless, it’s worth noting that costs may be involved when sending cryptocurrencies to another pocket address. If you want to handle a deal on the blockchain network, you’ll have to pay fees. Therefore, choose a wallet provider that offers reasonable prices and fee transparency.

Different types of crypto wallets

There are several types of Bitcoin wallets from which to pick. Here is an overview.

  • Custodial wallets

A custodial wallet is also called a hosted wallet. Typically, a third party (exchange or broker) accepts and manages this cryptocurrency wallet. It is a convenient and comfortable solution for storing and transacting cryptocurrencies.

Custodial wallets offer ease of use with intuitive user interfaces, making them suitable for beginners and those seeking a hassle-free experience.

In addition, with these wallets, you can feel at ease. The mobile wallet provider handles and authorizes all transactions. They use your private key, which is necessary for accessing your wallet and managing your funds.

Suppose you forget your password or wallet address. To restore access to your account in this situation, you can ask your wallet provider for help. Therefore, you do not lose access to your cryptocurrency.

While this offers convenience, it also introduces a potential risk. The wallet provider is a target for hackers because they can access your secret key. Therefore, you should choose a trustworthy and reputable wallet provider to mitigate the risk of hacking and protect your funds.

When opting for a custodial wallet, it is essential to research and select a reliable provider. It ensures the security of your funds and reduces the risk of falling victim to hacking attempts or losing your investment if the wallet provider encounters financial difficulties.

Maintaining the security of your wallet’s private key is crucial whether you use a judicial wallet or not. Protecting your key helps keep hackers and scammers out regardless of the wallet you choose.

  • Non-custodial wallets

Non-custodial wallets are also known as self-custody wallets. They provide users with complete control and responsibility over the storage of their cryptocurrencies. Unlike custodial wallets, you have your private keys, making them potentially more secure.

There are various non-custodial wallet types available. You can choose from hardware wallets like USB sticks to browser-based, cellular, and other wallet options.

While non-custodial wallets offer greater freedom and control over crypto, they also come with increased responsibility. However, if you forget the login for a non-custodial wallet, there might be no way to access your money.

It’s crucial to remember that non-custodial wallets may be more complex technology. Therefore, if the crypto world is something new, you may want to start with a custodial wallet.

When using a non-custodial wallet, it is crucial to consider the level of custodianship over your crypto tokens. You are solely responsible for the pocket’s security, so you must shield it from unauthorized remote access.

Therefore, look for non-custodial wallets offering features like two-factor authentication to increase security. 2FA requires an additional device, typically a mobile phone, to authorize access to the wallet.

It becomes more challenging for hackers to gain unauthorized access by requiring an SMS code or another authentification method. However, keep the private key or backup phrase offline and securely stored, as 2FA alone may not protect against a compromised key.

Another security feature to consider is multi-signature (multi-sig) permissions. It requires wallets to authorize outgoing transactions. For instance, you may have different wallets on separate devices like desktop computers and smartphones.

Additionally, the multi-signature feature provides added safety and protection while dealing with various wallets and preventing fraudulent transactions.

  • Hot wallets

Hot wallets are cryptocurrency wallets that are connected to the internet. It enables quick and convenient access to your funds. People use it for frequent trading and spending on cryptocurrencies. You can move money, make online purchases, and exchange crypto without going online with a hot wallet.

The immediate accessibility of hot wallets makes them convenient for active traders and individuals who frequently use their cryptocurrencies for various transactions. You may take advantage of trading opportunities and respond swiftly to market shifts with the help of real-time access to your funds.

However, the constant online connectivity of hot wallets poses a higher risk of security breaches. These wallets are more susceptible to hacking attempts and unauthorized access by cybercriminals because of their connection to the internet. Hackers can exploit vulnerabilities in the wallet’s software or target users directly to gain control of the funds stored in a hot wallet.

It is essential to use strong security measures to avoid the risks associated with a hot wallet. It includes using secure passwords, enabling two-factor certification, and updating your wallet software with the most recent security updates.

In addition, hot wallets are convenient for everyday cryptocurrency transactions and a small percentage of your Bitcoin.

  • Cold wallets

Cold wallets offer a higher level of security compared to hot wallets. These wallets are not connected to the internet.

Therefore, the risk of hackers gaining unauthorized access to your wallet and stealing your cryptocurrency is significantly smaller. It makes these wallets a decent choice for holding larger amounts of cryptocurrencies for an extended period.

The primary advantage of cold wallets is their enhanced security features, which protect your private keys and funds from online threats.

Cold wallets come in different forms, such as hardware wallets (USB devices), paper wallets (printed QR codes), or even offline wallets. These wallets allow you to generate and store your keys offline, away from potential cyberattacks.

While cold wallets excel in security, they do come with some trade-offs in terms of convenience. Since they are not directly connected to the internet, executing transactions with this wallet requires additional steps.

To send funds, you typically need to connect the cold wallet to an online device, initiate the transaction, and then disconnect it again for maximum security. This additional security layer prolongs the process and makes it less user-friendly.

Finally, the hot and cold wallet combination is the best way to keep Bitcoin. This way, you can keep the majority of your money safe in a cold wallet and still benefit while using your hot wallet for routine transactions.

  • Paper wallets

A paper wallet is a type of cold wallet that provides a high level of security for storing cryptocurrencies. If you want to get this wallet, you can use specific websites that give you a unique private and public key pair. Then you print these keys onto a piece of paper, which becomes your physical wallet.

The traditional nature of this type of wallet is one of its main benefits. The possibility of online assaults or hacking attempts is gone because it is not connected to the internet. It makes paper wallets a popular choice when you want maximum security.

However, it’s important to note that these wallets offer minimal functionality and have certain limitations. Unlike a crypto hardware wallet, the paper wallet does not have a user interface or connectivity options. The entire wallet is represented by the physical paper containing the private address and key.

This way, if you want to access the funds, you need physical possession of the paper and manually import the private key into a compatible wallet application or software. It involves scanning or entering the key to initiate transactions or manage your funds.

Paper wallets are very safe. Nevertheless, they also carry a risk. There is no way to get the money from the wallet back if the paper containing it is lost, damaged, or destroyed. It means that proper storage and backup of the wallet are crucial to avoid the loss of your cryptocurrency.

  • Hardware wallets

A hardware wallet is an external device. Its purpose is to store your private key and cryptocurrencies.

This cold storage functions similarly to external hard drives controlled by encrypted software. When you purchase crypto through an online exchange, the asset exists online and is connected to the exchange’s system.

By withdrawing the funds from your cold storage, you remove them from the online exchange, providing greater control and security. Your crypto holdings can only be accessed using the physical wallet and a key.

In the event of damaging or losing your cold storage, there are precautions in place. You can recover your crypto assets if you safely store your recovery seed phrase.

Stability is one of the main benefits of using a hardware wallet. Since the hardware wallet is offline, the risk of viruses and hackers accessing your private keys is small. This is because the device rarely connects to your home network, minimizing potential vulnerabilities.

Furthermore, when sending crypto to another public address, you must set a PIN for authorization to use the hardware wallet. Additionally, it is essential to write down and safely store the backup phrase provided by the hardware wallet. This backup phrase is crucial for recovering your wallet if the device is lost, stolen, or damaged.

Although crypto hardware wallets offer excellent security, they can be less convenient than other wallet options. You need physical access to the device and enter the PIN for any transaction or fund transfer. However, if you have a significant amount of cryptocurrency invested and prioritize security, a hardware wallet is a great choice.

Nevertheless, remember to maintain backups of your recovery seed phrase to ensure the safety of your crypto holdings. Hardware wallets provide an excellent combination of security and control, making them a preferred option for storing large amounts of cryptocurrencies.

  • Software wallets

A popular option for storing, sending, and receiving bitcoins is software wallets. They come in various shapes and offer different features, including remote access to your cryptocurrency holdings.

One type of software wallet is a web wallet, which operates through the internet browser. A web wallet offers a practical way to manage your cryptocurrencies online and makes it simple to communicate with web-based marketplaces.

Another option is a desktop wallet, where you download software to your desktop computer. These wallets offer more control and security since they are installed locally on your device.

For those who prefer mobile accessibility, any mobile wallet is available for download on your smartphone. A mobile wallet allows you to access your funds on the go, providing flexibility and convenience.

Both desktop wallets and mobile wallets have safety features, although the specific measures vary depending on the mobile wallet app provider. Crypto exchanges or brokers often provide web wallets, which are also software-based.

Additionally, some software wallet providers offer browser extensions for Chrome and Firefox. These extensions enable users to send, receive, and store crypto directly through their desktop or mobile device, giving a seamless and accessible experience.

Are crypto wallets safe?

Although blockchain technology is considered safe, it does not guarantee the total security of your investment.

You can lose your crypto due to certain risks. It may be theft, machine disappointment, or loss of access to wallets. Before depositing any cryptocurrency, it is essential to investigate the credentials of a wallet provider.

Cold wallets are the safest option. These wallets are often not connected to the internet, making it highly challenging for hackers to steal your currencies.

However, even cold wallets are not entirely immune to risks, as you may lose the physical device where you store your coins. An unfortunate incident in 2013 involved an investor reportedly discarding a £200 million Bitcoin wallet.

While online wallets can also employ various precautions to prevent theft, they may not provide the same level of long-term storage and security for your cryptocurrency. Considering a cold wallet for long-term storage is advisable.

swissmoney’s crypto wallet

swissmoney is a fintech solution that provides digital financial services and specializes in the traditional finance and crypto worlds. Among basic services like money transfers, payments, and fast expedited approval for increasing your money amount, swissmoney offers crypto wallets.

swissmoney’s crypto wallet features:

  • Crypto to fiat
  • Buy, receive, send, and sell crypto
  • Android, iOS, and web wallet
  • Over-the-counter trading
  • Liquidity APIs
  • 2 networks and 5 currencies – TRX, BTC, ETH, USDT, USDC
  • Transaction history.
  • swissmoney virtual card. Integration with Mastercard and Visa. Convert and spend your crypto freely using the card.


Cryptocurrency is a digital currency that uses a decentralized network – blockchain.

Similarly to traditional currencies, you can use cryptocurrencies as an investment vehicle or to make purchases of goods and services to profit from their gradual value growth.

Government-backed assets rely on central banks and financial institutions for regulation and control. Tangible assets like gold or silver usually support them.

On the other hand, the decentralized nature makes cryptocurrencies unique. The operation of cryptocurrencies is independent of all powers. Instead, variables like supply and demand dynamics, business sentiment, technological advancements, and adoption rates determine their value.

The absence of a centralized authority and the lack of commodity backing gives unique characteristics and advantages. Thanks to it, crypto transactions are clean, secure, and resistant to censorship. Without an intermediary, peer-to-peer transactions are feasible, cutting down on fees and processing times.

However, the price volatility, regulatory uncertainties, and potential security risks require individuals to exercise caution and educate themselves about the crypto market risks.

How do cryptocurrencies work?

Cryptocurrencies rely on a technology called blockchain to function effectively. In other words, the blockchain is an immutable digital ledger that records all transactions and stores information about various cryptocurrencies.

Imagine the blockchain as a futuristic database that records every cryptocurrency transaction. It eliminates the need for unified authorities like banks to validate and verify transactions.

The blockchain’s capacity to function independently without relying on outside authorities is its most unique feature. Transactions are verified by consensus among the network participants, ensuring accuracy and security. This decentralized nature of the blockchain enhances transparency and eliminates the risk of fraudulent activities or manipulation.

Cryptocurrencie users benefit from the use of smart contracts and the blockchain. They can complete transactions more quickly, securely, and transparently, which lowers costs and reduces the possibility of fraud or manipulation. Moreover, the decentralized nature of the blockchain allows international transactions.

The most popular cryptocurrencies

  • Bitcoin

Bitcoin is frequently the first cryptocurrency that comes to mind when discussing the world of crypto. And it is well deserved. By market capitalization, it is now the biggest cryptocurrency.

The scarcity of Bitcoin is the main factor in its value. The total supply of Bitcoin is capped at 21 million coins, with approximately 91% of them already in circulation.

One of the reasons Bitcoin has garnered significant attention is its volatile price movements. For instance, between March 9, 2020, and March 8, 2021, its value surged from $5,392 to an astonishing $59,302. This remarkable increase of around 999% in just a year made Bitcoin an attractive investment option for many.

However, Bitcoin’s value has experienced fluctuations over time. Presently, it is valued at around $19,805 as of September 6, 2022, after undergoing a correction from its previous all-time highs.

  • Ethereum

Another widely used cryptocurrency on the market is Ethereum. Initially designed to complement Bitcoin, Ethereum has evolved into a formidable contender in its own right.

What sets Ethereum apart? Innovative use of blockchain technology.

Innovative use of blockchain technology. Smart contracts, dApps, and a decentralized payment network may all be hosted and executed on this platform.

This unprecedented feature has paved the way for the development of several secure decentralized monetary applications, thereby expanding the currency’s scope of utility.

Following a pattern similar to Bitcoin, Ethereum has experienced impressive growth and subsequent fluctuations in recent years.

  • Tether

Tether could be a viable option to explore if you’re seeking a more affordable and safer cryptocurrency for investment purposes. The goal of Tether is to maintain a stable value. It belongs to the category of stablecoins. These cryptocurrencies have a consistent valuation.

Tether achieves this stability by pegging its value to the US dollar.

By being tied to a traditional currency, Tether tends to exhibit lower volatility compared to many other cryptocurrencies found in the market. This characteristic can make it an attractive choice for investors seeking a more predictable and less fluctuating digital asset.


Which Bitcoin wallet is the best in the UK?

The best Bitcoin wallet for you will depend on your unique needs and preferences among the many respectable ones in the UK. Here are a few popular options:

  • eToro – crypto wallet for UK investors.
  • OKX – crypto wallet with DeFi yields and NFTs.
  • Binance – popular crypto wallet for active UK traders.
  • Trust Wallet – crypto wallet app supporting 4.5+ million digital assets.
  • Metamask – crypto wallet extension for web browsers.

How do I open a Bitcoin wallet in the UK?

There are a few simple steps to open a Bitcoin wallet in the UK.

First, you need to choose a reliable cryptocurrency wallet provider. Look for reputable options that prioritize security and have positive user reviews. Then, register for an account by going to the website or app store of the selected provider. Some wallets may require identity verification for added security.

You can generate your crypto wallet address after registering. Due to this specific address, you can buy, sell, and store crypto. Maintaining the security of your wallet credentials is essential. Consider turning on additional security features like two-factor authentication.

Remember to stay informed about best practices for keeping your crypto wallets secure and to back up your recovery phrases or keys in case of loss or device failure.

What is the best Bitcoin wallet to have?

It is hard to say what are the best crypto wallets UK. It ultimately depends on your specific requirements and preferences. However, you might want to consider security, convenience, user interface, and compatibility with various devices.

Hardware wallets stand out for their robust security measures and offline storage. On the other hand, software wallets offer convenience and accessibility through desktop or mobile applications.

How do I get a Bitcoin wallet in the UK?

The first step: choose between hardware, software, and online Bitcoin wallets.

For a hardware wallet, you can purchase one from reputable manufacturers. These physical devices store your private keys offline, offering enhanced security for your Bitcoin. Once you have the wallet, follow further manufacturer’s instructions to set it up.

You can simply download and install software crypto wallets on your computer or mobile device. Now locate the wallet’s mobile app on your device’s official website or app store, then follow the download and installation instructions. Remember to choose a desktop and mobile wallet from a trusted source.

You can use web browsers to access web wallets. Crypto exchange or wallet service providers usually have them. You must create an account with a reliable provider and adhere to their registration procedures to obtain an online wallet. Be careful and choose a platform with a strong track record of security.

Moreover, apply additional security measures for Bitcoin, including enabling two-factor authentication, routinely backing up your wallet, and others.

Why do I need a crypto wallet?

Having a crypto wallet is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it provides a secure location to store your cryptocurrencies.

Secondly, it’s a convenient way to send and receive cryptocurrencies. With a wallet, you have a unique address. It serves as your digital identity for transactions.

Furthermore, you can manage and diversify your crypto holdings. Moreover, you can keep multiple cryptocurrencies in a single wallet. It lets you track and control your portfolio more effectively.

Lastly, a secure wallet provides you with peace of mind and sovereignty. You are not reliant on a second party to access or manage your cryptocurrencies because you own your private keys. It eliminates the risk of exchange hacks, restrictions, or loss of funds due to the actions of others.

Which crypto wallet is most secure?

Probably there is no one answer to which wallet is the most secure. These physical devices store your private keys offline and require physical access to initiate transactions, making them highly resistant to online threats.

Another secure option is a paper wallet. It involves printing your private keys and storing them offline. A paper wallet is not susceptible to hacking as they are offline. Unfortunately, they require careful handling and protection against physical damage or loss.

It’s important to note that how well you safeguard your keys and adhere to security best practices also affects the security of a crypto wallet.

Which crypto wallet has the lowest fees?

The specific fee structure varies considerably depending on the wallet provider and the cryptocurrency. However, some wallets are known for their competitive fee structures.

Additionally, certain wallets offer the option to adjust the transaction fees manually. It allows users to optimize their fees based on network congestion and their desired transaction speed.

It’s crucial to research and compare different wallet options, consider the specific cryptocurrencies you’ll be using, and carefully evaluate the fee structures to find the crypto wallet that best aligns with your needs and budget.

Can I have multiple Bitcoin wallets in the UK?

Yes, it is possible to have multiple crypto wallets in the UK. Many cryptocurrency enthusiasts and investors choose to have many wallets for various reasons.

Having many wallets can provide an added layer of security and organization, allowing you to separate different types of cryptocurrencies or keep funds in different locations.

It can also be helpful if you want to spread your holdings among various wallet providers or platforms. You can create and manage many wallets to suit your needs and preferences, whether you choose a hardware, software, or online wallet.

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