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Can I Withdraw Money from a Credit Card?

Živile Šarkauskaite

Written by

Živile Šarkauskaite

August 24, 2023

Credit cards are ubiquitous financial tools, offering convenience and flexibility in our transactions. Yet, a question often arises: Can I withdraw money from my credit card?

Basically, yes, you can do it through a cash advance. In this article, you’ll find all the information that will help you actually do it.

Credit card cash advance

A credit card cash advance involves withdrawing money from an ATM using your credit card, offered by most credit card companies. It is distinct from using a debit card and lets cardholders borrow money for a short period, albeit with high costs.

How do cash advances work?

Think of credit card cash advances as a short-term personal loan accessible through your card. Credit card cash advances involve borrowing money from your credit card limit rather than your funds, requiring full repayment with interest.

However, these advances are rarely advisable. Unlike debit card withdrawals, credit card cash advances are loans charged to your bank account. They have transaction fees and higher APRs. Moreover, cash advances come with a distinct credit limit, separate from your purchase limit.

The borrowed amount contributes to your bank account balance, and interest starts accruing immediately, unlike purchases that usually have a grace period.

Basically, you are buying cash from the credit card company, with withdrawals reflected in monthly statements.

Cash advance fees

Unlike the directness of withdrawing money from a bank account, credit card cash advances tap into your credit line, triggering a complex interplay of fees and interest.

These fees differ depending on your card. It might be a fixed withdrawal fee or a percentage of the cash advance. Plus, you may pay additional fees for ATM withdrawals, making the process even costlier.

Each time you withdraw cash at an ATM, the credit card company typically charges a one-time cash advance fee, usually 3% to 5%, or a set amount, often $8 to $10 – whichever is higher.

Furthermore, using an out-of-network ATM or getting a cash advance abroad can lead to more charges. These stack on ATM charges, emphasizing the need for caution.

Knowing your card terms empowers you to make smart choices, avoiding the hidden expenses tied to credit card cash advances.

Interest rates for cash advance

When obtaining a credit card cash advance, the bank typically charges a higher interest rate than for regular credit card purchases. Your most recent statement will display the current cash advance interest rate.

Unlike standard purchases, which often have a grace period, interest on cash advances starts immediately upon withdrawal.

These rates tend to be higher than other credit card transactions. While regular balances might incur a 19.99% annual interest rate, cash advances can reach 22.9% or even 24.99%.

The difference can significantly impact your debt, especially with extended repayment periods.

Additionally, your cash advance interest rate might rise due to missed payments or account status, though negotiation with your credit card issuer’s customer service is feasible.

Therefore, quick repayment is essential to avoid amassing substantial debt.

So, how to lower cash advance fees?

There are many various ways you can lower credit card cash advances. However, here are three of the most effective ones:

Understand fees: Some fees are a percentage of the advance, so withdrawing only what’s needed can limit the fee. Other fees might be a flat rate or a mix of both. Taking all needed cash at once reduces flat fees to just one.

Don’t wait to pay it off: Unlike regular purchases, cash advances start accruing interest immediately. Timely repayment is vital to save money in the long run.

Choose wisely: To get a cash advance, seek cards with lower fees and competitive interest rates, as these differ among credit card issuers.

A credit card

How to get a cash advance on a credit card?

Using a credit card to withdraw cash from an ATM is quick and easy. Essentially, the process is the same as using a debit card to take some money from an ATM.

  1. See if there is any available money to withdraw by looking at your most recent account statement. It depends on the credit card’s spending or cash advance limit.
  2. Put the credit card into an ATM.
  3. Enter the credit card PIN (to obtain or change the PIN, dial the number on the back of the card).
  4. Select cash withdrawal or cash advance.
  5. Whenever you have an option between credit and debit, choose credit.
  6. Enter the amount to withdraw.
  7. Agree to be charged for using an ATM or getting a cash advance.
  8. Get the cash out of the bank and finish the transaction.


Can you use a credit card at an ATM?

You can use a credit card at an ATM to withdraw cash, but it is not advisable. Getting money from an ATM with a credit card is considered a cash advance and is subject to a cash advance APR that is generally several percentage points higher than the regular purchase APR.

What happens when you withdraw money from a credit card?

When you withdraw cash from a credit card, it’s called a cash advance. You’ll likely incur transaction fees, and face higher interest rates, and the amount withdrawn is added to your credit card balance.

Immediate interest accrues and timely repayment is advised to avoid increased debt. This transaction can impact your credit score and should be considered carefully.

Is it reasonable to withdraw money from a credit card?

No, it’s generally not advisable to withdraw money from a credit card. Cash withdrawals from a credit card, known as cash advances, come with high fees, higher interest rates, and immediate interest accrual.

It can lead to increased debt and potential damage to your credit score. It’s better to explore alternative options for accessing funds before considering a cash advance.

How much cash can I withdraw from my credit card?

Cash advances are generally limited to a percentage of your credit card’s overall limit. For instance, with a credit limit of $20,000 and a 30% cash advance cap, your maximum cash advance would be $6,000.

The exact amount you can withdraw depends on your credit card issuer, credit limit, and card terms. You can find your cash advance limit on your statement or by contacting your issuer.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that cash advances involve fees, higher interest rates, and immediate interest accrual, so careful consideration is essential before proceeding.

Can credit card cash advance hurt my credit score?

When you choose a credit card cash advance, you’re essentially borrowing extra money from your bank or card issuer, which adds to your existing card debt and loans.

Although a cash advance itself doesn’t have a direct impact on your credit scores, this increased borrowing raises the possibility of missed payments.

Consequently, using a significant portion of your available credit or failing to repay the cash advance could lead to a decrease in your credit score.

Moreover, the higher interest rates linked to cash advances can also make it more challenging to repay promptly.

Furthermore, cash advances can negatively impact your credit score by increasing your debt relative to your credit limit, affecting your credit utilization rate.

Generally, it’s recommended to keep your borrowing to around 30% of your limit, but more considerable cash advances can make achieving this goal more difficult.