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How Much Does It Cost to Send Tether (USDT)?

Renata Pacheco

Written by

Renata Pacheco

April 29, 2024

Reviewed by

Ciaran Lawler

[key_takeaways title="Key Takeaways"]

  1. General Costs: Sending USDT involves costs like exchange and network fees.
  2. Cost Factors: Costs can vary based on the blockchain used and the amount transferred.
  3. Reducing Fees: Selecting a cost-effective blockchain and comparing exchange fees can lower overall expenses.
  4. Fee Types: There are both flat fees and percentage-based fees, depending on the platform and transaction type.


When transferring Tether (USDT), understanding the associated costs is crucial. These costs, known as USDT transfer fees, can significantly affect your transactions.

This article breaks down the fees involved, including network, transaction, and exchange fees. It also provides tips on minimizing these costs.

Whether new to cryptocurrencies or looking to optimize your transactions, you’ll find valuable insights on managing and reducing the USDT transfer fee.

đź“šRelated: How to Send Tether (USDT) Between Wallets

What is Tether (USDT), and why do people send it?

Tether (USDT) is a type of cryptocurrency known as a stablecoin because it is designed to have a stable value pegged to the US dollar. This stability is crucial for users who might be wary of the extreme volatility of other types of cryptocurrencies.

Here’s why individuals and businesses commonly transfer USDT:

  • Peer-to-peer transactions: USDT allows direct transactions between parties, bypassing traditional banking systems and their fees.
  • Cross-border payments: It simplifies payments across countries without worrying about exchange rates and additional bank charges.
  • Decentralized lending: USDT is often used as loan collateral on various cryptocurrency lending platforms.
  • Cost-Effective transfers: Many users find transferring USDT cheaper than traditional wire transfers, especially for international transactions.

In 2022, Tether (USDT) processed a staggering $18.2 trillion in transactions. This volume was higher than traditional payment processors like Visa and Mastercard, which processed transactions worth $14.1 trillion and $7.7 trillion, respectively. This indeed suggests significant growth in the use of Tether and the adoption of stablecoins in general. 

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Tether (USDT)

Understanding Tether (USDT) transfer fees

When sending USDT, two main fees are usually encountered: exchange and network fees. Understanding these fees is essential for optimizing their transactions to ensure cost efficiency.

Exchange fees

These fees are charged by the platform facilitating your USDT transaction. These fees vary significantly between exchanges and are typically calculated in two ways:

  • Fixed fee: A constant fee that does not change regardless of the transaction size.
  • Percentage-based fee: A fee that is a percentage of the transaction amount, which increases as the amount of USDT you send increases.

Different exchanges might offer more competitive rates, so comparing these before executing any transactions is advisable.

Network fees (Gas)

Understanding network fees is crucial for sending USDT efficiently. These fees are often referred to as “gas prices” and are determined by two main factors: blockchain technology and network congestion.

Blockchain technology:

  • Proof of Work vs. Proof of Stake: Different blockchains employ various mechanisms to secure the network and validate transactions. The most popular method, Proof of Work (PoW), used by Bitcoin and formerly Ethereum, requires significant computing power, leading to higher transaction fees. Newer protocols like Proof of Stake (PoS) are designed to be more efficient and generally have lower fees.
  • Transaction complexity: Some transactions require more computational power from the network. For example, deploying a smart contract involves more complex computations than a simple token transfer. As a result, these complex transactions will incur higher gas fees.

Network congestion:

  • Supply and demand: Like any resource, gas prices fluctuate based on supply and demand. Gas prices surge when a high volume of transactions exceeds the network’s processing capacity. Conversely, during low-traffic periods, gas prices are typically lower.
  • Monitoring network activity: Several online resources allow you to monitor network congestion on popular blockchains like Ethereum. By observing gas prices in real-time, you can time your USDT transfers for periods with lower fees.

Understanding gas units:

  • Gwei: Gas prices are typically denominated in gwei. Gwei is a tiny unit of the blockchain network’s native cryptocurrency. It allows for more precise fee calculations.
  • Transaction confirmation time: Higher gas fees often lead to faster transaction processing and confirmation times. Conversely, lower gas fees might result in longer waiting times for your transaction to be confirmed.

While individual fees can vary, the average USDT sending fees are influenced by the blockchain service provider and the size of the transaction.

đź“šRelated: Best Tether (USDT) Wallets

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How much does it cost to transfer TRC20 USDT?

Transferring USDT on the TRC20 network, which is the protocol used by the Tron blockchain, is generally considered one of the most cost-effective methods available. 

This is due to the lower transaction fees associated with TRC20 compared to other networks like the Ethereum blockchain.

Here’s a detailed look at the costs involved:

Overview of TRC20 transaction costs

The cost to send USDT via the TRC20 network can be significantly lower than other blockchain networks. This affordability is why many users opt for TRC20 for their USDT transactions.

Here are the key cost components:

  • Network fees (gas): TRC20 transactions typically have lower fees, often making them more appealing for users looking to minimize costs. These fees are paid in TRON (TRX), the native cryptocurrency of the Tron network.
  • Exchange fees: While network fees are low, users must also consider any potential fees if they transfer USDT through a cryptocurrency exchange. These fees can vary depending on the exchange and the specific user agreement.

Besides the network fee, users must account for the withdrawal fee, which some exchanges may impose when you remove USDT from their platform.

Calculating your costs

To determine the exact cost of transferring TRC20 USDT, consider the following:

  • Flat fee: Some exchanges and wallets charge a fixed fee for TRC20 transactions. This fee remains the same regardless of the transaction amount.
  • Percentage-based fees: Other platforms may charge a percentage of the transaction as a fee. This means that larger transfers may incur higher fees.

Example of cost calculation

If an exchange charges a fixed fee of 1 TRC20 USDT per transaction and you are transferring 100 USDT, your total cost would be:

  • Transaction fee: 1 USDT
  • Network fee: Variable, often less than 0.2 TRX (equivalent to a few cents in USD)

Why choose TRC20 for USDT transfers?

  • Lower fees: As discussed, the TRC20 network generally offers lower transaction fees than other networks, such as the Ethereum network.
  • Speed: TRC20 transactions are also known for their speed, which can be critical for users needing timely transfers.
  • Network options: Choosing TRC20 allows users to benefit from the robust infrastructure of the Tron network, which is known for its efficiency and low cost.

By understanding and leveraging the TRC20 network’s features, users can significantly reduce their costs when transferring USDT. Always plan and choose the right time and platform to optimize your transaction fees further.

falling Tether (USDT) coins

Factors that affect the cost of sending a Tether (USDT)

When initiating USDT transactions, it’s crucial to understand the intricate framework of costs involved. Network and exchange fees constitute the bulk of expenses encountered. 

However, these are not the sole factors. The total USDT amount sent, the network traffic, and the chosen transaction speed all interplay to shape the fee structure.

Here’s an overview of the critical elements that come into play when sending USDT, each bearing weight on the final fee incurred.

Network Fees (Gas)The primary cost associated with sending USDT on a blockchain network.
Exchange FeesAdditional charges imposed by the cryptocurrency exchange or financial platform facilitating the transfer.
Transaction AmountThe larger the amount of USDT being sent, the higher the potential fees, especially for percentage-based exchange fee structures.
Blockchain CongestionHigh network traffic can increase network fees as users compete for transaction processing priority.
Speed of TransactionChoosing a faster transaction speed can increase the network fee due to the higher gas price required.
Blockchain ProtocolFees can vary depending on whether the transfer is on the Ethereum, Tron, or other blockchain networks.
Time of TransferTransferring USDT during off-peak hours can sometimes result in lower fees.
Type of TransferWhether it’s a simple transfer or involves smart contract interaction, which can increase the cost.
Market ConditionsNetwork fees can be influenced by the overall cryptocurrency market dynamics, which affect blockchain activity.
Exchange Rate FluctuationsWhen fees are calculated in USDT, the fiat value can fluctuate depending on the exchange rate to the dollar.
Exchange PoliciesSome exchanges might offer discounted fees for high-volume traders or during promotions.
Sender’s Wallet ChoiceSome wallets offer customizable gas fees, giving users some control over the cost of the transaction.

Each factor can significantly impact the cost of sending USDT and should be considered for a more efficient transaction experience.

What is the cheapest way to send Tether (USDT)?

Identifying the most cost-effective option to transfer USDT can significantly reduce transaction expenses. Generally speaking, the cheapest way to send USDT includes:

  • Choosing a cost-effective network: Opting for blockchain networks known for lower fees can decrease costs. For example, Tron (TRC20) or Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20) have lower costs than the Ethereum network, which is known for higher gas fees, especially during periods of network congestion.
  • Using an exchange with lower withdrawal fees: Fees can vary between exchanges. Seek out platforms that offer low or even zero withdrawal fees for USDT transactions.
  • Transferring during off-peak times: Take advantage of times when the network is less congested. Fewer transactions in the queue can mean lower network fees.
  • Batching transactions: If possible, combine multiple transfers into one to save on fees. This strategy is often preferred for businesses or users with high-volume transfer needs.

Choosing an exchange with a minimal withdrawal fee is just as critical as selecting a low-cost network to ensure the overall economy of your USDT withdrawal. 

Using these strategies, users often find that the costs of sending USDT can be minimized.

How to minimize Tether (USDT) transaction fees

Users can take several steps to minimize USDT transaction fees effectively:

  • Monitor the network: Monitor the current network conditions. Network fees can fluctuate based on the blockchain’s demand for transaction processing power.
  • Evaluate transfer times: Since fees can vary throughout the day, planning your transaction for when network usage is lower can lead to cost savings.
  • Choose the right exchange: Research and compare the fee structures of different crypto exchanges. Some exchanges may offer a more cost-effective option for your specific transaction size or type.
  • Leverage Promotions: Look for promotions or loyalty programs from exchanges that may offer reduced fees or bonuses that can offset transaction costs.

Implementing these tips can help ensure that you are not overpaying when you need to send USDT.

Comparison of USDT transaction fees on the most popular exchanges

Here’s a breakdown of USDT transaction fees on some of the most popular cryptocurrency exchanges:

ExchangeUSDT Transaction Fee (depending on network)
Binance0.29 USDT (BEP-20)
Coinbase1% of the transaction amount
Kraken2.5 USDT (TRC-20)
KuCoin25 USDT (ERC-20)
Gemini10 USD (variable)
Crypto.com0.075 – 0% (variable)
Bitfinex0.1 USDT (variable)

Important Notes:

  • These fees are subject to change based on exchange policy updates. It’s always best to double-check the current fees on the exchange’s website before making a transaction.
  • The network mentioned refers to the blockchain network used to send the USDT. Different networks have varying fees. For example, BEP-20 (Binance Chain) generally has lower fees than ERC-20 (Ethereum).
  • Some exchanges offer discounts on trading fees based on trading volume or holding a specific coin. Be sure to factor these discounts in if you’re a frequent trader.

Remember that the listed transaction fee for each exchange is just one part of the total cost, with network fees possibly adding more to the final amount.

More tips on how to reduce Tether (USDT) transfer fees

Beyond the basic strategies to reduce USDT transaction fees, there are additional nuances to consider that could further decrease costs:

  • Prioritize security over fees: Sometimes, opting for a slightly higher fee can ensure the transaction is handled by a more secure and reliable network or exchange.
  • Use native tokens for fees: Some networks may offer reduced fees if you pay using their native token rather than USDT.
  • Stay updated: The cryptocurrency landscape changes rapidly, and staying informed about the latest developments can help you anticipate changes in fee structures.

Are there any advanced techniques for experienced users to send USDT even cheaper?

Experienced cryptocurrency users often have a few tricks up their sleeve for minimizing transfer costs:

  • Gas token utilization: Certain blockchain protocols offer “gas tokens” that can be minted during low gas periods and redeemed to pay fees when gas prices are high.
  • Smart contract interaction: Advanced users can use smart contracts to batch multiple USDT transactions into one, thus saving on fees.
  • Transaction fee bidding: Experienced users can manually adjust their gas price to bid for miner inclusion during less busy times, though this requires a solid understanding of network activity patterns.
  • Leveraging Layer 2 scaling solutions: Some exchanges offer Layer 2 options for USDT transfers. These solutions operate on top of the main blockchain, enabling faster and cheaper transactions. Examples include the Binance Pay and Polygon (MATIC) network on exchanges like FTX. Research the Layer 2 options available on your preferred exchange to see if they support USDT Tether transfers.
  • P2P (peer-to-peer) trading: P2P platforms connect you directly with other users to buy and sell USDT. Since there’s no intermediary exchange involved, fees can be significantly lower. However, P2P transactions come with their own risks, so be sure to use a reputable platform with strong security measures and only trade with users with good reputations.
  • Using a dedicated USDT wallet: Some dedicated USDT wallets offer lower transaction fees than exchange wallets. These wallets often connect to multiple blockchains, allowing you to choose the network with the lowest fees for your transfer.

Understanding these advanced methods can help experienced users optimize their USDT transfer fees. Remember to prioritize security and choose methods that align with your risk tolerance.

What are some resources available to help monitor gas prices and make informed decisions?

What are some resources available to help monitor gas prices and make informed decisions?

Various tools and resources can assist users in tracking these fees and making informed decisions:

  • Gas Trackers: Online services like ETH Gas Station and TronStation provide real-time data on current gas prices for Ethereum and Tron, respectively.
  • Exchange Fee Calculators: Many exchanges offer calculators that estimate the network and exchange fees for a USDT transaction.
  • Crypto News Outlets: Staying abreast of updates from reputable crypto news sources can give insights into network congestion and fee trends.

Users can strategically plan their USDT Tether transfers using these resources to align with lower fee periods.


Sending USDT can incur various fees, but these costs can be minimized with the right knowledge and approach.

By understanding the associated fees, leveraging cost-effective networks, staying informed through available resources, and utilizing advanced techniques, novice and experienced users can optimize their transactions for cost-efficiency.

As the crypto landscape evolves, staying updated and adaptable is key to managing transaction expenses effectively. 

For personal use or business transactions, efficiently managing USDT transfer fees can lead to significant savings over time.


Is there a fee for transferring USDT?

Yes, transferring USDT typically incurs fees, which are comprised of network fees and can include exchange fees if a cryptocurrency exchange platform facilitates the transfer.

Is it cheaper to send ETH or USDT?

It depends on the network congestion and the blockchain used for the transaction.

Sending USDT on networks with lower fees, like Tron’s TRC20 or Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20), can be cheaper than sending ETH, especially during peak times on the Ethereum network.

What is the gas fee for USDT?

The gas fee for a USDT transaction is the network fee required to process and validate the transaction on a blockchain. 

It varies based on the chosen blockchain, the congestion level at the time of the transaction, and the transaction’s complexity.

What is the cheapest way to transfer USDT?

The cheapest way to transfer Tether (USDT) is through networks with lower transaction fees, like the TRC20 or BEP-20. 

Additionally, executing transactions during off-peak hours and using exchanges with lower withdrawal fees can reduce costs.

What is the cheapest way to withdraw USDT?

The cheapest way to withdraw USDT is to choose a crypto exchange or platform that offers low or no withdrawal fees and withdraw through a blockchain with lower network fees.

Is there a way to avoid high ETH fees when transferring USDT?

To avoid high ETH fees, you can transfer Tether (USDT) when the Ethereum network is less congested or choose an alternative blockchain that supports USDT with lower fees, such as the TRC20 network.

What is the cheapest network to transfer USDT?

Currently, the TRC20 network is among the cheapest for USDT Tether transfers due to its lower network fees than the Ethereum network. 

However, these fees can fluctuate, so comparing fees across different networks at the time of your transaction is beneficial.

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