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How to Unfreeze Cryptocurrency in 2024: Effective and Secure Methods

Renata Pacheco

Written by

Renata Pacheco

April 24, 2024

Reviewed by

Ciaran Lawler

[key_takeaways title="Quick answer: To unfreeze cryptocurrency, follow these steps:"]

  1. Identify the reason for the freeze by contacting your wallet or exchange support team.
  2. Provide required documentation, like an ID, for verification.
  3. Comply with regulatory requirements that may have led to the freeze.
  4. Continuously follow up with the service provider to check on progress.
  5. Taking these actions will help you regain access to your assets swiftly.


Experiencing a frozen cryptocurrency account can be alarming and inconvenient. Understanding how to unfreeze your assets efficiently is crucial, whether due to security concerns, legal issues, or regulatory compliance.

This guide outlines the best ways to address and resolve frozen assets in 2024, ensuring you can access your cryptocurrency when needed. Follow these straightforward steps to navigate the complexities of regaining control over your digital funds.

What is a crypto freeze?

A crypto freeze occurs when access to cryptocurrency assets is temporarily restricted or completely halted. This can happen across various platforms, including exchanges and wallets, and affect one’s ability to trade, withdraw, or use crypto funds. Essentially, your assets are locked and unmovable during a freeze until the issue causing the freeze is resolved.

The reasons for a freeze can vary widely – from technical glitches to compliance issues – but the result is the same: your digital assets are put on hold. Understanding these mechanisms and how to address them is critical to managing your cryptocurrency effectively.

frozen crypto

What are the reasons for a cryptocurrency to be frozen?

Understanding why your cryptocurrency might be frozen is the first step towards resolving these issues. Here are the most common reasons:

Technical Issues

Sometimes, a freeze results from purely technical problems. For example, during a software update or a bug in the system, an exchange might temporarily freeze all transactions to prevent errors in balances or unauthorized trades.

These issues are usually resolved quickly once the technical fault is fixed and normal operations resume. Also, improperly configured smart contracts might inadvertently freeze assets, demonstrating the need for thorough testing and verification.

Regulatory and Compliance Issues

Many freezes occur due to regulatory investigations or compliance requirements. Financial institutions, including crypto exchanges, must adhere to legal standards like KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) regulations.

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has set guidelines that often cause asset freezing due to regulatory adherence.

Due to strict legal and regulatory interventions, it’s crucial to remain compliant with the latest financial regulations to avoid unnecessary disruptions like frozen assets.

Security Concerns

Exchanges and wallet providers might freeze assets as a precaution against potential financial fraud. Another common reason to freeze assets includes suspicious account activities that could indicate money laundering.

Also, regulators often freeze assets while investigating crypto transactions. To lift the freeze, users may need to verify their identity or update their account security settings, such as changing passwords or enabling two-factor authentication.

To fully grasp the scope of security concerns leading to the freezing of cryptocurrency assets, it’s essential to understand the evolving nature of crypto-related crime.

According to the Chainalysis 2024 Crypto Crime Report, money laundering activities have notably decreased, with illicit addresses sending $22.2 billion to services in 2023, a drop from $31.5 billion the previous year.

Despite this reduction, centralized exchanges remain the primary destination for these funds, underscoring significant security vulnerabilities.

Additionally, an overwhelming 71.7% of all illicit funds transferred to fiat off-ramping services concentrated at just five platforms, and sophisticated laundering techniques such as the use of cross-chain bridges and mixers were prevalently employed by advanced criminal groups.

These insights highlight the urgent need for robust security and stringent compliance to mitigate these risks and support the preventive freezing of assets to safeguard users’ investments.

To manage frozen crypto assets effectively, updating security protocols regularly and ensuring compliance with current regulations is essential.

📚Read more: How to Withdraw Money from a Frozen Account

How to unfreeze cryptocurrency?

If you find your cryptocurrency assets frozen, there are several steps you can take to attempt to unfreeze them. Act swiftly and follow these steps carefully to regain access to your funds as quickly as possible.

1. Determine the Cause of the Freeze

The first step in resolving any freeze is to understand why it happened. Contact the support team of your cryptocurrency exchange or wallet provider immediately.

They can provide details on why your assets are frozen. Typical reasons might include suspected fraudulent activity, additional identity verification, or compliance with regulatory requirements.

2. Comply with Necessary Procedures

Once you know the reason for the freeze, comply with any requests from the service provider to resolve the issue. This might involve submitting additional documentation to verify your identity or explaining your recent transactions if they were flagged as suspicious.

Adhering to these requests promptly can help speed up the process of unfreezing your assets.

3. Follow Up Regularly

After you have taken the necessary actions as directed by the support team, follow up regularly. Keep the communication lines open to check on the progress of your case.

Persistent and polite inquiries can ensure that your issue remains a priority and may help speed up the unfreezing process.

How do different cryptocurrency exchanges handle frozen account situations?

How do different cryptocurrency exchanges handle frozen account situations?

Top wallet providers and cryptocurrency exchanges often have robust measures to prevent unauthorized freezes and secure user assets. Different exchanges have their own set protocols for handling accounts frozen. Here’s how some of the major platforms deal with these issues:

How to unfreeze cryptocurrency on Binance

If your account on Binance gets frozen, the first step is to contact customer support. Binance typically requires users to verify their identity to unfreeze an account, which may include submitting identification documents and a selfie.

The exchange may also request additional information about recent transactions if suspicious activity is suspected. Once their team provides and verifies the required information, your account is usually unfrozen within a few days.

How to unfreeze cryptocurrency on Coinbase

Coinbase handles frozen accounts by asking users to comply with identity verification processes. If your Coinbase account is frozen, log in to your account and navigate to the limits section to complete any outstanding verification steps.

In cases of a security breach or suspicion of fraudulent activity, you might also have to change your password and set up two-factor authentication to regain access.

How to unfreeze cryptocurrency on Kraken

Kraken advises its users to contact support through their official website and provide a detailed description of the issue.

For verification purposes, be prepared to answer questions related to the account and to submit any necessary documents as requested by Kraken’s compliance team.

They may also ask you to update your security settings if the freeze was due to a potential security issue.

How to unfreeze cryptocurrency on

If your account is frozen, contact customer support via email or the app’s help center. Like many other exchanges, may require further identity verification or information regarding recent transactions.

Completing these steps and ensuring your account security is up-to-date will help lift the freeze on your assets.

How to unfreeze cryptocurrency on Gemini

Gemini users who need to unfreeze their accounts should contact Gemini support directly through their website. The process generally involves a security review and possibly updating KYC (Know Your Customer) information.

Gemini might also require detailed explanations for abnormal trading activity or transaction patterns that triggered the freeze.

In all cases, it’s crucial to keep an open line of communication with the exchange’s support team and respond quickly to any requests for information or documentation. This proactive approach can help expedite the resolution of your frozen account.

Crypto frozen statistics

Crypto frozen statistics by platform

The statistics below provide insights into the percentage of accounts estimated to be frozen on various popular cryptocurrency exchanges and the common reasons for these freezes.

PlatformEstimated Accounts % FrozenReason for Freezing
Binance0.5%Security breaches, KYC issues, suspicious transactions
Coinbase0.3%Compliance with regulatory requirements, suspicious activity
Kraken0.4%Technical issues, security concerns
Crypto.com0.2%Security measures, unauthorized access attempts
Gemini0.3%KYC/AML compliance, irregular trading activity

These figures and reasons highlight the importance of maintaining secure and compliant accounts on cryptocurrency exchanges to avoid potential freezes and ensure the smooth operation of trading activities.

Crypto frozen risks by different wallet types

The table below outlines the risk of account freezes associated with different types of cryptocurrency wallets, along with reasons for such freezes, the degree of user control over funds, and the level of technical knowledge needed to manage each type of wallet effectively.


Wallet TypeAccount Freeze RiskReasons for FreezeUser Control Over FundsTechnical Knowledge Needed
Centralized ExchangesHighRegulatory issues, security breaches, compliance with legal requestsLimitedLow
Hot Wallet (Web/Mobile)MediumUnauthorized access, security vulnerabilitiesModerateModerate
Cold Wallet (Hardware Wallet)LowN/A, as these wallets are offlineHighHigh

Centralized Exchanges:

  • Account Freeze Risk: Centralized platforms have complete control over user funds and can freeze accounts at their discretion.
  • Reasons for Freeze: These include compliance with government regulations, detection of security problems, or responding to legal requests that may necessitate freezing accounts to prevent fund transfers.
  • User Control Over Funds: Since users do not hold private keys to their wallets, their control over funds is minimal.
  • Technical Knowledge Needed: These platforms are user-friendly and do not require significant technical knowledge to navigate.

Hot Wallet (Web/Mobile):

  • Account Freeze Risk: While not as high as centralized exchanges, hot wallets are susceptible to online threats that might lead to account freezes.
  • Reasons for Freeze: Potential reasons include detecting unauthorized access attempts or vulnerabilities that might jeopardize the security of the funds.
  • User Control Over Funds: Users control their keys, but the wallet is still connected to the Internet, which introduces some risk.
  • Technical Knowledge Needed: Requires some understanding of digital security and wallet management.

Cold Wallet (Hardware Wallet):

  • Account Freeze Risk: As these wallets are not connected to the Internet, the risk of them being frozen for external reasons is minimal.
  • Reasons for Freeze: Generally, there are no direct reasons for freezing these devices as they are offline; however, physical theft or damage can render the assets inaccessible.
  • User Control Over Funds: Users have complete control over their funds as they hold their own private keys, and the wallet remains offline.
  • Technical Knowledge Needed: Effective use of hardware wallets requires a good understanding of how cryptocurrency storage works and how to operate such devices securely.

The consequences of a cryptocurrency freeze

What are the consequences of a cryptocurrency freeze?

Experiencing a cryptocurrency freeze can be distressing and have various direct and indirect consequences. Understanding these potential outcomes can help users better prepare and react when faced with such situations.

Here are some of the most common consequences associated with a freeze of cryptocurrency assets:

Delayed Transactions

When your assets are frozen, any pending transactions, whether withdrawals, trades, or transfers, will not be processed.

This can lead to significant delays and disrupt your financial plans, especially if you were relying on the timing of these transactions for purchases or other investments.

Financial Loss

There is a risk of financial loss in cases where the freeze results from security problems or unauthorized access. For example, unauthorized transfers may occur if a freeze is too slow to enact after a breach is detected.

Additionally, if the asset value drops significantly during a freeze period, you may face notional losses when the assets are finally accessible.

Reputational Damage

For businesses and professional traders, repeated freezes can damage reputations. Clients and partners may view such incidents as a lack of control or security, potentially leading to a loss of business and diminished trust.

Operational Disruption

For individuals and companies that rely on regular and uninterrupted access to their cryptocurrency, freezes can cause operational disruptions.

This might include failing to meet payment obligations on time, leading to late fees, penalties, or other complications in business operations.

Legal and Compliance Issues

Freezes often occur due to non-compliance with regulatory requirements or ongoing legal issues. This can lead to further legal complications, including fines or other penalties if it is found that there was a failure to adhere to legal standards.

Additionally, proving compliance and resolving legal issues can be costly and time-consuming.

Stress and Uncertainty

Finally, experiencing a freeze can be a stressful ordeal for anyone. The uncertainty regarding the duration of the freeze and the potential outcomes can cause significant anxiety and impact mental health.

By being aware of these potential consequences, users can take proactive steps to mitigate risks by choosing reputable platforms, ensuring compliance with all regulatory requirements, and employing robust security to protect their digital assets.

How to prevent cryptocurrency from being frozen

Preventing your cryptocurrency from being frozen is crucial for ensuring you can access your funds whenever needed.

Taking proactive steps can significantly reduce the risk of a freeze due to regulatory issues, security concerns, or compliance problems. Here are several effective strategies to help safeguard your digital assets:

Regularly Update Security Measures

  • Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on all accounts.
  • Use strong, unique passwords for different sites.
  • Regularly update your software to protect against new vulnerabilities.

Maintain Compliance

  • Ensure that your accounts are fully verified with up-to-date information.
  • Respond promptly to compliance checks or requests for information from your wallet provider or exchange.
  • Regularly review the compliance requirements of the platforms you use and make sure you meet them.

Use Trusted Platforms

  • Opt for reputable cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets with robust security and a good track record of handling regulatory issues.
  • Research and select platforms that are fully licensed or regulated by relevant authorities.

Diversify Your Holdings

  • Diversify your holdings across different wallets and exchanges to mitigate the risk of a total freeze.
  • Consider using both hot (online) and cold (offline) storage solutions to balance convenience and security.

Monitor Your Transactions

  • Regularly monitor your transaction history for any unauthorized or abnormal transactions.
  • Set up alerts to notify you of large transactions or changes to your account settings.

Educate Yourself on Legal Changes

  • Stay informed about new laws and regulations that pertain to cryptocurrency in your jurisdiction.
  • Participate in forums, attend webinars, and subscribe to newsletters focusing on crypto regulations and legal issues.

By implementing these strategies, you can reduce the likelihood of your cryptocurrency being frozen and ensure that you maintain control over your digital assets. It’s all about being proactive and cautious with your security, compliance, and operational choices.

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Store cryptocurrency with swissmoney

Navigating the complexities of cryptocurrency freezes can be daunting. swissmoney offers a robust solution to keep your digital assets secure and readily accessible, minimizing the chances of unexpected freezes and ensuring peace of mind.

Benefits of choosing swissmoney:

  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensures your assets remain unfrozen by adhering strictly to AML and KYC protocols.
  • Advanced Security: Protects your cryptocurrency with two-factor authentication and biometric scans, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access.
  • Instant Access to Funds: Offers real-time transaction monitoring, allowing immediate access to your funds without delays.
  • Integrated Financial Services: Provides dedicated IBAN accounts and seamless crypto transactions in one platform.

📚Read more: Secure Your Crypto with swissmoney Now


Navigating the cryptocurrency world can often be complex and challenging, especially when facing issues like frozen assets. Understanding the common causes and effective strategies for unfreezing cryptocurrencies can help you better manage your digital investments.

Utilizing a reliable and secure platform like swissmoney not only minimizes the risk of freezing but also ensures that your funds are accessible when you need them. Staying informed and prepared for financial uncertainties is critical to successful cryptocurrency management.


What does freeze mean in crypto?

In cryptocurrency, “freeze” refers to temporarily suspending access to your funds. You cannot execute any transactions while your assets are frozen.

Can a Bitcoin wallet be frozen?

Yes, a Bitcoin wallet can be frozen if the service provider suspects fraudulent activity, security problems, or compliance issues.

Why is my crypto withdrawal frozen?

To prevent unauthorized access, your crypto withdrawal could be frozen due to incomplete KYC information, detected suspicious activity, or network security.

How do I unfreeze my Bitcoin account?

To unfreeze your Bitcoin account, contact your service provider’s support team, verify your identity, and comply with any required security activities they suggest.

How long does the unfreezing process typically take?

The duration of the unfreezing process can vary widely from a few hours to several days, depending on the cause of the freeze and your provider’s customer service response time.

How do I withdraw money from frozen Bitcoin?

First, resolve the issue causing the freeze. Then, after your account is unfrozen, you can withdraw money using the standard process provided by your service provider.

Can the government freeze my crypto?

Yes, governments can freeze cryptocurrency as part of regulatory or legal actions through cooperation with cryptocurrency platforms.

How do I get crypto out of cold storage?

To remove crypto from cold storage, connect your hardware wallet to a computer or device with internet access, enter your security credentials, and transfer the funds to an online exchange or wallet.

Can financial regulators freeze my crypto based on smart contracts?

Yes, if discrepancies or compliance issues are detected within the smart contracts managing your assets, regulators can freeze your crypto until the issues are resolved.

What should I do if my service provider freezes my assets?

If your assets are frozen suddenly, contact your service provider immediately to ascertain the reason for the freeze and learn about any necessary steps you might need to take to unfreeze your assets.

How can underlying asset instability affect my cryptocurrency?

This instability can lead to market volatility, triggering protective freezes by exchanges or wallets to prevent potential losses.

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