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Risk-Averse Opposite

Gintaras Baltusevicius

Written by

Gintaras Baltusevicius

May 18, 2023

In the world of finance and investments, risk aversion has long been regarded as a common trait among investors.

However, the other side of risk aversion is equally significant – the opposite of risk aversion.

Here we will delve into embracing risk and explores how investors with a different mindset and risk tolerance levels, navigate the investment landscape.

What is the opposite of risk-averse?

The opposite of being risk-averse is having a risk-tolerant approach or being a risk-tolerant investor.

Risk tolerance refers to the level of risk that an investor is willing to take and bear. A risk-tolerant investor can tolerate risks and is willing to face uncertain consequences in their investment decisions.

They are open to investing in more risky financial instruments, intending to earn higher profits. While they may experience short-term losses, they have a long-term perspective and are focused on maximizing gains.

Factors affecting risk tolerance levels include age, financial situation, and investment horizon. Younger investors, for example, often have higher risk tolerance levels as they have more time to recover from potential losses.

Risk-tolerant investors are comfortable taking risks and may invest in assets like aggressive stocks, private equity, venture capital, or a higher-risk investment to pursue higher returns.

They are willing to accept the possibility of larger fluctuations in the value of their investments, as they believe that the potential rewards outweigh the risks involved.

What are the three types of risk-takers?

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The three types of risk-takers are:

Aggressive investors

Aggressive investors are characterized by their high-risk tolerance level and desire for substantial returns within a short period.

They adopt a proactive and assertive approach to their investments, closely monitoring market trends and staying well-informed about market events. Such investors are not afraid to take risks and often engage in strategies that involve higher levels of risk.

An aggressive risk-taker primarily focuses on equities and derivatives, as these types of investments offer the potential for a significant expected return. They are less interested in low-return investments such as bonds, as their main objective is to maximize profits.

Aggressive investors can be handsomely rewarded when their investments go according to plan. However, it’s important to note that they also face the potential for significant losses when market conditions turn unfavorable, or their strategies do not yield the desired results.

Investors with aggressive risk-taking attitudes constantly seek opportunities to capitalize on market movements and fluctuations, often engaging in short-term trading or active portfolio management.

Their investment decisions are driven by their appetite for a high expected return, and they are willing to accept the inherent volatility and uncertainty associated with their chosen strategies.

Moderate-risk investors

These investors fall between aggressive and conservative investors on the risk tolerance attitude. They prioritize caution and are more inclined towards lower returns than aggressive investors.

Investors with a moderate risk-taking attitude build a portfolio that balances risk and potential returns. They invest in a mix of equities, derivatives, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and bonds.

While they are willing to engage in volatile markets to some extent, their investments in such markets are relatively small and controlled.

They primarily focus on less volatile markets where they feel more comfortable. They aim for moderate returns and are content with steady, consistent growth in their portfolio.

Unlike aggressive investors, they are not seeking large swings in the market or aiming for exceptionally high profits. Instead, they prioritize stability and aim to keep their investments in a safe zone, regardless of how the market moves.

By maintaining a balanced approach and diversifying their investments, moderate-risk investors aim to reduce the impact of market volatility.

They understand that their portfolio may not experience significant upward or downward swings, but they prioritize preserving capital and avoiding major losses.

Conservative investors

Conservative investors prioritize the safety and stability of their investments over higher returns. They have a low tolerance for risk and prefer investments that offer a safe and steady inflow of returns.

They actively avoid risky assets such as equities and instruments with a high degree of uncertainty. Instead, they focus on investments like government bonds, bond funds, and ETFs. These investment options provide a higher level of security and are considered more stable.

When examining conservative investments, they typically grow slowly and steadily. The primary objective is to preserve capital and ensure maximum protection of their investments. Conservative investors aim to minimize risks and prioritize capital preservation over aggressive growth or high-risk strategies.

By opting for a low-risk investment, they aim to achieve a steady and predictable stream of income. They are more interested in the reliability and consistency of returns rather than seeking substantial gains. This approach allows them to navigate the investment landscape with security and peace of mind.

What is risk seeker vs risk-averse?

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There are several differences between risk seekers and risk-averse. The major differences include:


Risk seekers employ aggressive and speculative strategies. Risk-seeking investors actively pursue high-risk investments, engage in short-term trading, and seek opportunities for quick profits. Investors with risk-seeking behavior may invest in volatile markets, high-risk assets, or speculative ventures.

Contrariwise, risk-averse investors adopt conservative strategies. A risk-averse investor prioritizes capital preservation and focuses on a lower-risk investment with stable returns. A risk-averse investor tends to invest in safer assets such as bonds, fixed-income securities, or stable dividend-paying stocks.

Risk tolerance

Risk seekers have a high tolerance for risk. They are comfortable with uncertainty, market fluctuations, and the potential for significant losses. They are willing to accept a higher level of risk in exchange for the possibility of substantial gains.

On the flip side, risk-averse investors have a low tolerance for risk. Risk-averse individuals seek investments with lower volatility and are less willing to accept significant losses. Risk aversion prioritizes capital preservation and prefers investments that offer stability and a higher degree of predictability.

Investment objectives

Risk seekers aim for high returns and are motivated by the potential to maximize profits. Risk-seeking individuals may be willing to accept short-term losses in pursuit of significant gains. Their primary objective is to achieve substantial returns within a relatively short period, even if it involves higher risks.

Contrariwise, risk-averse investors prioritize the preservation of capital over maximizing returns. The main objective of risk-averse investors is to protect their investments and minimize potential losses. Risk aversion prioritizes long-term stability, reliable income streams, and consistent growth over high-risk, high-reward opportunities.

What does not averse to risk mean?

Not being averse to risk means having a level of risk tolerance where you are willing to accept and manage risks, even if you do not actively seek them out.

When someone is not averse to risk, they can tolerate and navigate uncertain outcomes in their financial situation. While they may not actively seek a risky investment, they are comfortable with the potential ups and downs of investing.

Investors who exhibit a non-risk aversion towards risk understand that while there may be short-term losses, the long-term gains have the potential to outweigh them. They maintain a perspective that focuses on achieving favorable returns over the long run, recognizing that some level of risk is necessary to achieve their investment goals.


Understanding the concept of risk tolerance and its role as the opposite of risk aversion is crucial for investors seeking to navigate the complex world of finance.

While risk-averse investors prioritize capital preservation and shy away from uncertainty, risk-tolerant investors embrace the potential for higher returns, even amidst short-term losses. By balancing risk and reward, investors can create well-rounded portfolios aligning with their preferences and financial goals.