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From Plastic to Digital: Virtual Payment Cards

Renata Pacheco

Written by

Renata Pacheco

August 18, 2023

As the world increasingly leans into the digital realm, banking has not remained untouched. Gone are the days when a trip to the bank meant queuing for hours.

Now, with virtual payment cards and online bank accounts, managing finances has moved to the palm of our hands, making the process convenient and instantaneous.

The proliferation of virtual cards

Virtual cards are a significant innovation from the digital transformation decades. Unlike their tangible counterparts, virtual cards exist only in a digital space, ensuring transactions are SWIFT and secure.

There’s no plastic involved, no waiting for the post – they’re ready when you are.

Virtual debit cards, a subtype of virtual cards, offer the same functionalities as regular debit cards but without physical presence. More people use virtual debit cards because they’re fast, green, and efficient.

Conversely, many businesses now offer virtual card options, facilitating payments mainly for people who were born in the digital era.

With their sheer convenience and security, it’s little wonder that virtual debit cards are becoming the preferred choice for many. Whether for online shopping, subscription services, or even daily expenses, their reach increases yearly.

Virtual money

Virtual card vs physical card: The distinctions

Virtual cards, with their digital essence, reshape how we approach banking and financial transactions. The primary allure of a virtual card lies in its immediacy.

Once you decide to procure one, there’s no waiting for a piece of plastic to arrive in the post. Instantly, the virtual debit card is delivered to your account, ready for use.

Moreover, without the physical aspect, there’s no risk of misplacement, theft, or wear and tear.

Transactions become easier, especially for online purchases, where typing in card details is the norm. The environmental footprint is reduced, too, as there’s no plastic waste.

Plus, there’s an added layer of security; should your details be compromised, most platforms allow you to swiftly delete and recreate a virtual debit card, minimising potential damage.

When to opt for a physical card over a virtual card

But it’s not all about going virtual. Physical cards have their merits, mainly where digital transactions are still catching up.

If you’re travelling to a remote location or certain parts of the world where cash is necessary, having a physical debit card to withdraw cash is invaluable.

Similarly, some older Point Of Sale (POS) machines might not support contactless payments from digital wallets, necessitating the swipe or insertion of a tangible debit card.

While virtual debit cards offer convenience and safety, physical cards still hold their ground in specific scenarios. The choice between them often boils down to personal preference and the nature of the transaction.

A virtual card on a phone

Setting up and using your virtual card

A virtual card essentially serves as a digital version of your traditional debit cards. Yet, while the fundamental principles remain consistent, the layers of convenience and security differ.

Each virtual debit card has a unique card number, not tied to any physical representation. You’ll also have the standard expiry dates and security codes, ensuring familiar operational integrity.

Now, how do these virtual cards work?

Once issued, these cards are typically stored within your online account or mobile wallet. They are designed primarily for online transactions, rendering the need to carry physical cards redundant.

And don’t worry about limitations or how many virtual cards you have — you can set up and manage multiple virtual cards from a single account.

This flexibility allows you to use a virtual card for specific online subscriptions, while another can be dedicated to daily expenses, ensuring you have an organised financial framework.

Benefits of virtual cards in safeguarding card information

Virtual cards, a form of digital card, provide enhanced security compared to traditional cards that can be easily cloned or misplaced. These cards offer a formidable shield against unauthorised access to your card details.

A standout feature of many virtual cards is the disposable card option provided by several mobile wallet platforms.

Such cards are designed to expire after a single transaction or after a set time, making them irrelevant to any ill-intentioned activities.

Storing virtual cards in mobile wallets, including platforms like Apple Pay and Google Pay, brings another layer of security.

If you are concerned about suspicious transactions or activity, you can swiftly lock or delete your card from Google Pay or other mobile wallet services.

This quick response contrasts sharply with the lengthy reporting process and blocking of a conventional physical card.

Furthermore, even if you were to lose access to your mobile wallet, your card details remain secure, encrypted, and out of reach from potential threats, ensuring your transactions via Google Pay, Apple Pay, and similar platforms are always secure.

Enhanced security measures for virtual transactions

Beyond the inherent safety of virtual card structures, there are further enhanced security measures. Most virtual transactions require two-factor authentication.

Simply put, when making a transaction, you’d be asked to provide a second layer of verification — an SMS code, fingerprint, or even facial recognition.

Another layer of security comes with the CVV number. Unlike the static three-digit CVV found on physical cards, some virtual card providers offer dynamic CVVs, which change periodically, ensuring that even if someone gets their hands on your CVV, it won’t be used for long.

But it’s not just about reactive measures. The very nature of contactless payments via virtual cards ensures an extra layer of security. There’s no physical contact, no card to lose, and every transaction can be tracked in real-time.

Managing your expenses and setting spending limits

Virtual credit and prepaid cards make managing money more accessible in today’s digital banking era.

They are popular because of their flexibility and control. A key feature is setting spending caps, helping users avoid overspending and stay on budget.

Unlike the traditional ‘pay online’ methods, these virtual alternatives come without the risk of overspending. Whether you’re keen on managing daily expenses or setting aside a specific amount for shopping, these cards are your go-to.

Integrations and syncing with mobile wallets

In an age where convenience is king, virtual cards seamlessly integrate with digital wallets, ensuring users have a streamlined spending experience.

Platforms such as the widely-used digital wallet are perfect for storing multiple bank accounts and managing cash withdrawals and deposits efficiently. This integration further simplifies processes, reducing transaction fees and other related costs.

With multi-currency support, users can also enjoy the benefits of global shopping without the hassles of currency conversion. Some providers give a free virtual card, so you’re always set for any purchase, big or small.

Advantages of choosing swissmoney’s virtual card services

Diving into modern finance, swissmoney emerges as a trailblazer in offering premier virtual prepaid card solutions.

Their virtual prepaid cards, exemplified in the swissmoney app, are adeptly designed to provide instantaneous Euro conversions, transforming the challenges of multi-currency transactions into effortless endeavours.

Their dynamic system prioritises users, providing them access to real-time currency conversion, a service that echoes the best features of a ‘wise account’.

Users no longer have to be at the mercy of unpredictable exchange rates, making swissmoney’s offerings an indispensable tool for international travellers and business people.

Online shopping experience with swissmoney

Swissmoney has meticulously redefined online shopping, presenting a holistic platform that amalgamates top-tier security with unmatched convenience.

Harnessing state-of-the-art technology, their online financial management services promise secure transactions every time, whether you’re splurging on luxury items or managing recurring online subscriptions.

Your virtual debit card number, a critical element of digital financial management marvel, is safeguarded with advanced encryption protocols, ensuring the protection of your financial assets.

Limitations and challenges of virtual cards

While the virtual debit card has undoubtedly revolutionised online transactions, it’s essential to acknowledge the areas where the trusty physical card still holds its ground.

For instance, situations requiring a tangible swipe or insert, like some petrol stations or toll booths, may prove challenging for a virtual card enthusiast.

Moreover, there’s a psychological comfort in having a tangible card – an assurance that if all digital measures fail, there’s still something concrete in hand.

There’s also the scenario of establishments not yet embracing the digital age. While many businesses and shops rapidly adapt to the online bank system, some still rely on the old-fashioned normal debit card swipe.

It’s essential to recognise that while the virtual debit trend is surging, the physical card hasn’t been entirely dethroned.

Addressing common concerns and misconceptions

One major misconception about virtual cards is the belief that they aren’t linked to an actual bank account. This is a fallacy.

Your virtual debit card is as accurate as any other account, with money being debited from your bank account just as with a physical card.

Some also feel that managing multiple debit cards, especially instant virtual debit cards, becomes cumbersome. But with the advent of streamlined online bank accounts and sophisticated apps, managing finances has never been easier.

There’s also a lingering concern about the safety of having all your money details online.

However, with banks like swissmoney investing heavily in cutting-edge security measures, the virtual realm is becoming increasingly secure, challenging the conventional notions of online financial vulnerability.

In summary, virtual cards provide unmatched convenience and numerous benefits. However, knowing their limitations allows for a well-rounded financial strategy in the modern digital era.

While the details of virtual cards might initially seem complex, gaining familiarity can transform your online purchasing habits.

Frequently asked questions about virtual cards

Which banks have virtual cards in the UK?

Numerous UK banks have embraced the virtual card option, understanding the rising demand in the digital era.

Top-tier institutions like Barclays, Monzo, swissmoney, and Revolut, among others, offer services related to virtual cards.

📚Related: Barclays Travel Wallet

Is PayPal a virtual card?

Not exactly. PayPal is primarily an online payment platform that allows users to make and receive payments without directly sharing their bank details. However, it has dipped its toes into the world of virtual cards.

This service is called PayPal Key and generates a unique virtual card number for online and in-app purchases. Thereby it adds a layer of security to your transactions.

How do I create a virtual payment card?

Creating a virtual card usually involves logging into your online bank or mobile banking app and selecting the virtual card service or option.

After setting spending limits and other preferences, you’ll receive a virtual card number, complete with an expiry date and CVV. Remember, you might have more than one virtual card linked to your account.