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5 Things Worth Spending Money on to Be Happier

Gintaras Baltusevicius

Written by

Gintaras Baltusevicius

April 19, 2023

We work hard to earn our money, so it’s important to spend it wisely. But with so many choices and temptations, it can be difficult to decide how to spend money. Should we splurge on a fancy new gadget or save cash for a rainy day? Invest in our future or enjoy the present?

What do people spend their money on?


Housing is one of the major things people spend money on. This involves the money required to have a place to live.

  • This can include paying rent to a landlord or making mortgage payments on a home that you own.
  • Apart from funding the actual living space, there are other bills associated with housing, such as utilities, which include services like electricity, gas, and water that are necessary to keep the place livable.
  • Maintenance fees are also included, which involve repairs or upkeep of the home, such as fixing leaks, painting, and replacing appliances, to ensure the home is functioning properly.

All of these funds are necessary to maintain a comfortable and safe living environment.

Food and groceries

food products

Food and groceries refer to the money people spend to purchase food and household items. This category includes groceries that people buy from stores, such as fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy products, and household cleaning supplies.

  • People spend money on food as it is a necessity to sustain life.
  • Additionally, people might choose to eat healthy food which might cost more but is important for their health.
  • Planning and budgeting for grocery expenses is a good idea to save money, as food expenses can add up quickly.
  • Eating out is another expense that comes under this category, which can be a short-term cost but can add up to a significant amount over time.


Transportation refers to the money people spend to get from one place to another. This can include various means of transportation such as private vehicles, public transportation like buses or trains, taxis, ride-sharing services, and even biking or walking.

  • Private transportation expenses may include car payments, gas, insurance, maintenance, and repairs. Public transportation expenses may include bus or train fares or monthly passes.
  • Taxis and ride-sharing services involve paying for each ride taken. Biking or walking may involve expenses like purchasing or repairing a bike or buying comfortable walking shoes.


hospital bed with high tech equipment

This refers to the money people spend to maintain their physical and mental well-being. People spend money on health care in many ways, including doctor visits, hospital stays, surgeries, prescription medications, and mental health services.

  • Routine doctor visits are important for preventative care and can help catch potential health issues early on. These visits may involve copayments or deductibles that are paid out of pocket.
  • Hospital stays and surgeries are more expensive and may require additional expenses like anesthetics or rehabilitation.
  • Prescription medications, including those for chronic conditions, can also be expensive and may require ongoing payments.
  • Mental health services are also an important part of health care spending. These services include therapy, counseling, and medication management for mental health conditions.

Mental health services can be expensive, but they can lead to improved quality of life and overall well-being.

Clothing and personal care products

This refers to the money people spend on clothing, footwear, grooming, and personal hygiene products. Clothing and personal care products are essential for daily living and can have an impact on self-esteem and confidence.

  • People spend money on clothing and accessories for various reasons, including work attire, special occasions, or simply to update their wardrobes. This spending can range from inexpensive items to high-end fashion pieces.
  • Additionally, people may spend money on shoes and accessories such as jewelry, bags, and belts to complete their outfits.
  • Personal care products such as toiletries, cosmetics, and grooming supplies are also common living expenses. These products include items like shampoo, soap, toothpaste, deodorant, and makeup.
  • People may also spend money on personal care services like haircuts, manicures, pedicures, and massages.

How to spend $1,000 wisely?

Pay off high-interest debt

Paying off high-interest debt, like credit card balances, is a wise way to spend $1,000. These charges can quickly add up and become a significant financial burden, leading to stress and negatively impacting both your physical and mental health.

By paying off your credit card debt, you can reduce the amount of interest charges you’ll have to pay in the future, save extra money for your other financial goals, and improve your financial security.

Build up an emergency fund

Building up an emergency fund by depositing the money into a savings account is another wise way to spend $1,000. Having an emergency fund can give you a sense of financial security while also preventing you from incurring debt to cover unforeseen expenses.

By depositing $1,000 into a savings account, you can begin to build up your emergency fund and have a financial safety net in place.

It’s recommended to have between three to six months’ worth of daily expenses saved in your emergency fund, so this $1,000 can be a great start toward your savings goals.

In addition, by depositing the money into your bank account, you can also earn interest on your savings, which can help your emergency fund grow over time.

📚Related: What Should I Do With My Savings in the UK?

Invest the money in a low-cost index fund

Investing in a low-cost index fund can be a smart way to use your $1,000. This is a type of investment fund that tracks a specific market index and includes a diversified portfolio of stocks.

Because the fund simply tracks an index, there is no need for a professional fund manager, making them less expensive than actively managed funds. By choosing an index fund with low fees, you can keep more of your money invested.

While there are risks involved, over the long term, index funds have historically provided solid returns for investors.

It’s important to remember that investment is not a get-rich-quick scheme but rather a way to potentially grow your money over many years.

Use the money to further education or skills

Spending money on education or skill-building can help you earn more money and lead to career growth.

If you have $1,000 to spend, consider using it to enroll in classes or workshops to learn new skills, enhance your knowledge, or earn certifications in your field. This can improve your marketability and open up new opportunities for career advancement.

Some options to consider could include taking online courses or in-person classes at a community college, attending workshops or seminars related to your field, or spending money on industry-specific training or certification programs.

Look for programs that have a strong reputation and provide hands-on experience or practical skills that can be applied to your work.

By spending to improve yourself, you may be able to increase your income, job security, and overall job satisfaction in the long run.

What are 5 things to do with the money?

Save for emergencies

One important thing you can do with your money is to save it for emergencies. This involves building an emergency fund, which is essential to cover unexpected bills and financial emergencies that may arise.

This fund can help you avoid going into debt or being forced to rely on high-interest loans.

To start building your emergency fund, you can set a savings goal and determine how much you should save monthly to reach that goal. You can then open a savings account specifically for your emergency fund and make regular deposits into it until you have reached your goal.

Invest in long-term growth

Investing for long-term growth is a wise financial decision that can help you increase your wealth. By investing in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or real estate, you have the opportunity to earn returns on your money over time.

It is important to research and chooses investment options that align with one’s financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon. Investing in a low-cost index fund is a good option if you want to minimize fees and maximize long-term growth potential.

Kindly keep in mind that this involves risk and that past performance does not guarantee future returns. Therefore, it is important to invest wisely and diversify your portfolio to minimize risk.

Start a business

Starting a business is a bold and potentially rewarding way to use your money. It involves taking a risk by spend your money in a new venture that could lead to financial gain in the future.

Before you start, it’s important to carefully research and plan your business idea, including understanding the market, potential customers, and competition.

You’ll also need to consider the funds involved in starting a business, such as office space, equipment, supplies, and marketing costs.

However, with careful planning and execution, starting a business can be a way to build long-term wealth and financial stability. Keep in mind that starting a business requires dedication, hard work, and patience.

It may take time for your business to become profitable, but with persistence and a solid plan, it can be a rewarding investment of your money.

Spend on experiences

When it comes to spending money, it’s easy to be carried away with buying material things like new clothes, gadgets, or cars. However, studies have shown that experiences tend to bring more happiness and fulfillment than material things in the future.

One way to spend money on experiences is through travel. Whether it’s a weekend road trip or a long international vacation, traveling allows you to explore new places, try new foods, and learn about different cultures.

Additionally, travel experiences can help broaden your perspective and provide opportunities for personal growth.

Another way to spend money on experiences is by attending concerts or cultural events. Seeing your favorite band perform live or attending a theater production can create memories that last a lifetime.

And by supporting local artists and performers, you are also contributing to the cultural and artistic community.

Spending money on experiences can also be a way to connect with others. Going to a sporting event with friends, attending a cooking class with your partner, or taking your family to an amusement park can create shared memories and strengthen your relationships.

Donate to charity 

Donating to charity is a great way to spend money to make a difference in the world. There are countless organizations and causes that could use your support, from local charities to global humanitarian efforts. When you donate to a charity, you have the opportunity to support something you believe in.

Giving to charity can also be a way to connect with others and build a sense of community. Many charities hold events and fundraisers that bring people together and create opportunities for networking and socializing.

In addition, many employers offer programs that allow employees to donate to charities through automatic payroll deductions or matching gift programs.


In conclusion, how you choose to spend your money ultimately depends on your personal values, goals, and financial situation. While it’s important to cover your basic needs such as housing, good food, and healthcare, it’s also important to allocate your money wisely to things that bring you joy and fulfill your aspirations.

By considering the options presented in this article, you can create a financial plan that works for you. Remember, money can be a tool to help you live the life you want, so use it wisely and intentionally.

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