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B2B Payments

Gintaras Baltusevicius

Written by

Gintaras Baltusevicius

May 5, 2023

Efficient payment processing is crucial for any business, but when it comes to B2B transactions, there are unique challenges that must be addressed. With a wide range of B2B payment methods and cycles, as well as the need for secure and streamlined processes, managing B2B payments can be complex.

We will explore the world of electronic payments and provide insights on how businesses can optimize their payment processes with B2B payments.

What is B2B payment?

handshake between business owners

Business-to-business (B2B) payments are monetary transactions to fund the exchanges of goods or services between businesses. They take place within and across all industries between wholesalers, manufacturers, retailers, service providers, small businesses, and enterprises.

How does B2B payment work?

B2B payments are made once goods or services are delivered via your preferred supply chain, which is known as billing in arrears.

To initiate the B2B payment process, when a client requests goods or services from your business, you will fulfill the order and send an invoice. Once they receive the invoice, they will have a specific time to make their payment based on your payment terms. B2B payment terms can be based on factors like creditworthiness, transaction details, and whether they have purchased from you before.

Once payment is submitted, you will process that payment using different B2B payment methods.

What is P2P vs B2B payment?

The key difference between P2P payment and B2B payment is the nature of the payee. P2P (Peer-to-Peer) payments involve individuals sending funds to other individuals, while B2B payments involve one business paying another.

P2P payments are typically used for personal transactions between friends or family, such as splitting a restaurant bill or paying someone back for a loan. In contrast, B2B payments are used for commercial purposes and involve larger sums of money.

Another key difference is the payment model used. P2P payments are often made through digital payment platforms or mobile apps that allow users to transfer funds between bank accounts or mobile wallets. B2B payments, on the other hand, can involve a wider range of payment methods, such as wire transfers and ACH payments.

P2P payments are usually processed quickly, often in real time or within a few hours, while B2B payments may take longer to process due to additional steps such as invoicing, approval processes, and multiple levels of payment authorization.

What is the difference between B2B and B2C payments?

The primary difference between B2B and B2C payments is in the payee. B2B payments are transactions between two businesses, while B2C payments are consumer payments made by individuals to businesses.

Another key difference between B2B and B2C payments is the nature of the purchases. B2B payments are usually for recurring purchases, whereas B2C payments are typically one-off purchases made by consumers for personal use.

The processing of B2B and B2C payments also differs significantly. B2B payments involve billing cycles and often require invoices, while B2C payments are processed immediately. B2B payments often involve multiple departments within both businesses, whereas B2C payments can be completed in a single step.

Types of B2B payments


Checks are still the most popular payment method, accounting for about 42% of all B2B payments. However, they come with some drawbacks. For one, they are not the most convenient B2B payment method.

Delays caused by mail and postage can slow down B2B payment processing. Additionally, accepting checks can also come at a cost, especially if you need to process large volumes of them.

While some businesses use checks to avoid credit card processing fees, it’s important to note that there are costs associated with accepting checks as well.

Furthermore, checks are also less secure than other B2B payment methods. They lack the security measures found in digital payments and credit cards, making them a target for online payments fraud. As a result, it’s essential to take steps to ensure the security of checks as a payment method.

ACH transfers

ACH transfers are reliable electronic payment options that provide secure money transfers from the payee’s financial institution to your bank account. This B2B payment model is commonly used for B2B transactions because it allows for easy and convenient payments between businesses.

Although ACH payments can take up to three days to complete, they are still a preferred option due to their high level of security and low fees. E-checks are a popular type of ACH payment that allows for quick and easy processing of payments. With ACH transactions, you can streamline your B2B payment processes and reduce the risk of fraud and errors associated with paper-based payments.

Credit and debit cards

They are popular electronic payments for B2B transactions. Business-only credit cards are often used to manage expenses and accept major credit cards such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover.

This can make it easier for clients to buy your products and services. Credit cards also offer a simple way to track monthly transactions and provide businesses with the flexibility to spend more when necessary.

In addition to physical credit cards, virtual cards are becoming more common in Business-to-Business payments. Virtual cards offer a temporary credit card number for safer mobile payments, making them an attractive option for businesses looking to protect against fraud.

However, keep in mind that credit card processing fees can be higher than other payment methods, so it’s important to weigh the costs and benefits of accepting credit card payments.

Wire transfer

They work by electronically transferring funds from a buyer’s bank account to yours via a financial network. Wire transfers are generally faster than ACH transfers, allowing for real-time payments that can take only a few hours to complete, with a maximum of one business day. However, note that international bank transfers can take longer and incur higher B2B payment processing fees.

Despite being a quick payment method, wire transfers can also come with some disadvantages. Some financial institutions may charge additional fees, which can add up over time. Plus, wire transfers can be less secure than other payment methods, making them a potential target for fraudsters.

Best practice for B2B payments

business people in the office

Acknowledge your customer

Start by identifying if they have any preferred payment systems they want you to use or if they are comfortable with electronic payments. This will help you make the necessary adjustments without causing any inconvenience to them.

It’s also crucial to analyze your customer base and identify your frequent buyers and biggest spenders. These customers should be your top priority when transitioning to a new payment system. By prioritizing these customers, you can increase their satisfaction and improve your chances of retaining their business.

Follow a billing cycle

Consistent and predictable billing cycles help your customers know when they should make payment, which can help you avoid payment delays and ensure timely payment processing

It’s important to establish a workflow that works for your business and your customers, whether that means billing clients weekly, monthly, quarterly, or immediately after purchase. Sticking to your established billing cycle will help you maintain a streamlined internal processing system and ensure that payments are made promptly.

Automate payments

Automating payment processing can significantly improve the efficiency of your B2B payments. Manual processing can be time-consuming, error-prone, and can slow down the payment collection process. By automating payment processing, you can accelerate payment collection and reduce the likelihood of errors.

One way to automate payment processing is to use payment software that integrates with your existing accounting systems. This will streamline the process of generating invoices, tracking payments, and reconciling accounts. Additionally, payment software can automate tasks such as payment reminders, payment confirmations, and late fee assessments.

Using one central payment system

Using one central payment system for B2B payments can help simplify your payment process, improve your workflow, and reduce the risk of errors. By consolidating all payments in one accessible place, you can avoid manual processing and automate more of your workflow, making it easier to track transactions and reconcile accounts.

With the centralization of financial data, you can also ensure better security and compliance with industry regulations. This approach can also help you streamline communication with your customers, as they will know exactly where to go for payments and can rely on a consistent experience. Ultimately, implementing a central payment system can save you time, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction.

How to prevent B2B fraud


One of the first steps in combating fraud is through verification. It’s a good idea to use address matching and verification, as nearly half of B2B companies do, but keep in mind that it’s not foolproof and may require additional follow-up. Be careful not to lean too far toward the no-risk verification end of the spectrum, as this may lead to legitimate customers being declined due to ‘false positive’ results. In fact, over half of companies with manual processes have declined legitimate customers in the past.

On the other hand, some businesses fail to grow because their anti-fraud measures flag legitimate business contacts or transactions as fraudulent. These ‘false flags’ can prevent businesses from acquiring legitimate customers, so it’s important to find a balance between preventing fraud and allowing for legitimate transactions.


Manual onboarding procedures that involve verification and net-term offers can take up to 13 business days, and in the manufacturing industry, it can take even longer up to 19 days. This kind of delay can negatively impact customer satisfaction and put you at risk of losing potential clients in a world where speedy onboarding is the norm.

To combat this, incorporating business identity checks into the customer onboarding process is crucial. By doing so, you can protect yourself against fraud and ensure that the customers you onboard are legitimate. Additionally, using automated alerts to double-check transaction anomalies is a proactive measure that can quickly identify legitimate purchases while weeding out those that look suspicious.

In fact, according to industry data, 55% of respondents report using automated alerts to identify transaction anomalies, which can significantly reduce the risk of fraudulent transactions. By using proactive systems like these during the onboarding process, you can identify potential fraud early on and take steps to prevent it before it causes damage.

📚Read more: Customer Onboarding


Automating fraud prevention through web monitoring and other tools is crucial to minimize fraud in B2B payments. In fact, almost half of the companies surveyed use automated web monitoring to detect suspicious domains and block them proactively, which can prevent negative consequences.

Fraud can also limit international expansion for B2B companies. Without a robust fraud prevention system, 36% of businesses using manual methods say they are unable to grow their global business due to fraud concerns.

Moreover, manual vetting processes can negatively impact customer experience, with 46% of B2B companies saying that delays caused by manual anti-fraud solutions can undermine an otherwise positive experience for new customers.


To future-proof your business against fraud, you must monitor and update your fraud detection strategies. As your business grows and generates new customers, the risk of fraud attempts increases, potentially offsetting any additional revenue earned. In fact, many businesses avoid growth due to a fear of fraud and a belief that their anti-fraud measures are inadequate.

To stay ahead of evolving fraud schemes, your anti-fraud measures should be constantly updated and adapted. The best strategies are those that are flexible and can be adjusted as needed to stay at the forefront of fraud detection.

In conclusion

As a business owner, it’s crucial to understand the importance of B2B payments and the potential risks associated with them. By implementing robust anti-fraud measures, automating payment processing, and streamlining your payment systems, you can protect your business and enhance the customer experience. Remember, the business world is constantly evolving, so it’s important to continuously monitor and update your fraud detection strategies to keep your business safe and secure.


Is PayPal a B2B?

Yes, PayPal can be used for both B2B and B2C payments. As a business owner, you can use PayPal to receive payments from other businesses, regardless of their location or currency. With its global reach and multiple currency support, PayPal makes it easier for businesses to transact across borders and accept payments from clients or customers around the world.

Additionally, PayPal offers various tools and features specifically designed for businesses, such as invoicing, recurring payments, and customizable checkout pages, making it a popular payment solution for B2B transactions.

What are B2B payments net terms?

Net terms are a commonly used payment agreement in B2B transactions. When a company assigns net terms to a particular location, it means that any B2B customer for that location can pay for their orders anytime between when they placed the order and the due date.

Essentially, net terms give customers a specific period of time to pay their invoices, which can vary depending on the agreement between the businesses. For instance, if a company offers 30-day net terms, the B2B customer has 30 days from the date of the invoice to make payment.

This helps to streamline the payment process and provides flexibility for the customers to pay for their orders over a defined period. However, it is important to note that businesses must consider the risks associated with providing net terms, such as the possibility of delayed payments or non-payment.