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Cybersecurity for Financial Services Industry

Renata Pacheco

Written by

Renata Pacheco

September 29, 2023

The financial industry handles highly sensitive customer information and facilitates trillions of dollars in transactions daily. As such, cybersecurity is crucial for financial services organizations like banks, investment firms, credit unions, and others to secure data, prevent fraud, ensure continuity of service, and maintain public trust.

However, the complexity of legacy systems, growing dependence on emerging technologies, and sophisticated threat actors have created an increasingly challenging cyber risk landscape.

Although financial services organisations invest heavily in cybersecurity, the power dynamic often favours attackers who need only find a single vulnerability to exploit. Recent high-profile attacks demonstrate that no company is immune.

Cybersecurity in financial services

Financial institutions handle susceptible customer information and financial transactions daily. As such, cybersecurity is crucial for organisations in the financial services industry.

A data breach or cyberattack can devastate consumer trust, regulatory compliance, and the bottom line. There are several vital reasons why cybersecurity must be a top priority for all financial services organizations:

Safeguarding sensitive data

Financial institutions store personal and financial information from their customers. This includes account numbers, social security numbers, driver’s license details, credit card numbers, and income information.

A single breach compromising this data can expose millions of customers to identity theft and financial fraud. Proper cybersecurity controls are essential to protect sensitive customer information.

Maintaining trust and reputation

Customers expect their financial information to remain private and secure when engaging with banks, investment firms, insurance providers, and other institutions.

If someone compromises customer data due to poor security practices, it can damage consumer trust and tarnish the organization’s brand reputation.

Adhering to regulations

Financial institutions must comply with cybersecurity regulations like GLBA, FFIEC, SOX, etc. Failing to meet compliance standards can result in heavy penalties and legal consequences. A sound cybersecurity program is necessary to satisfy industry regulations.

Securing critical systems

Core banking systems, trading platforms, payment networks, and other critical infrastructure must always be safeguarded. Successful attacks on such systems can bring business operations to a standstill. Hardening and protecting these systems is vital.

Combating financial crime

Financial crime enabled by cyberattacks is a significant threat, with phishing scams, transaction fraud, and ransomware campaigns attempting to steal funds. Strong cybersecurity defenses are needed to halt cybercrime committed for financial gain.

Enabling digital innovation

Digital transformation in financial services relies on secure systems and software. New technologies like mobile banking apps, AI advisors, blockchain networks, and more need to be hardened against cyber risk. Cybersecurity is critical to enabling innovation.

Given the risks involved, financial services institutions must make cybersecurity a top strategic priority, directing sufficient resources and investments toward protecting systems, data, and customers.

Building a resilient cybersecurity posture is essential for mitigating risks and ensuring the stability of the broader financial system.

The cybersecurity market for financial services

The financial services industry is a significant target for cybercriminals due to the vast amounts of sensitive customer data and financial assets these institutions possess. As such, cybersecurity has become a crucial investment for financial services firms.

According to a report from MarketsandMarkets, the global cybersecurity market for the financial services sector was valued at USD 9.7 billion in 2020. This is projected to reach USD 23.2 billion by 2025, growing at an annual rate of 19.0% during this period.

Some key drivers behind the growth in cybersecurity spending for financial services include:

  • The continued digital transformation of financial services, with more operations and transactions being handled online. This expands the attack surface for malicious actors.
  • Stringent data protection regulations like GDPR impose heavy penalties for data breaches. Financial firms are boosting security to avoid fines.
  • High-profile cyberattacks on major financial institutions emphasise the need for robust defences. Recent examples include the 2016 Bangladesh bank heist and the 2022 African Union Development Bank hack.
  • The incorporation of disruptive technologies like blockchain, AI, and cloud computing in financial services. While bringing benefits, these also introduce new cyber risks.
  • The rise of embedded finance and banking-as-a-service models. Financial services integration with third-party apps and platforms creates expanded security challenges.

Financial institutions are investing significantly in areas like network security, endpoint protection, encryption, access controls, data loss prevention, and security analytics tools to strengthen their cybersecurity posture.

Many also outsource cybersecurity management to Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) that can provide specialised expertise and resources.

Overall, cybersecurity is now a top strategic priority for financial organisations. Substantial growth is projected in this market as firms allocate more resources to guard against evolving cyber threats in today’s digital finance landscape.

The high standard of Swiss financial system security

Switzerland is internationally recognised for its renowned security and stability in the financial sector. The Swiss financial system is built on a solid foundation of trust, privacy, and strict regulations, making it a preferred destination for global investors and businesses.

swissmoney, a prominent financial services provider, follows the same principles of security and reliability for which the Swiss financial system is famous.

swissmoney is recognized by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) and as required by the Swiss Federal Law on combating money laundering and terrorism financing in the financial sector (AMLA)

With a commitment to protecting client data and ensuring confidentiality, swissmoney adheres to rigorous security measures and industry best practices.

By leveraging cutting-edge technologies, swissmoney safeguards client information and financial transactions. The company maintains a highly secure infrastructure and continuously monitors and updates its systems to stay ahead of emerging threats.

Understanding NIST 800 53 in Financial Services

NIST 800-53 is a crucial cybersecurity framework that provides guidelines for managing risk and protecting information systems’ confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

It outlines security controls that can help organisations manage their cybersecurity risks based on impact levels (low, moderate, high).

Financial institutions like banks, insurance companies, and investment firms handle susceptible customer information like account numbers, social security numbers, financial records, etc. They must, therefore, implement sufficient safeguards to keep this information secure.

NIST 800-53 explained

For the financial sector, NIST 800-53 guidelines translate to:

  • Conducting thorough risk assessments to identify potential threats, vulnerabilities, impacts, etc. This determines the appropriate security control baseline.
  • Implementing the prescribed security controls based on the assessed impact levels. For example, multi-factor authentication for system access, data encryption, access monitoring, stringent patch management, etc.
  • Continuous monitoring of information systems to identify cybersecurity events and incidents. This allows responding promptly.
  • Regular audits by independent assessors to validate that controls are in place and effective. If there are gaps, they need to be fixed.

Some key NIST 800-53 control categories relevant to financial institutions are:

  • Access control – Limiting system access to authorised users and preventing unauthorised access. This includes multi-factor authentication, encryption, network security, account management, etc.
  • Awareness and training – Ensuring employees know security policies, procedures, cyber risks, etc., through training. It helps mitigate insider threats.
  • Audit and accountability – Tracking, monitoring, and auditing system activities to detect potential issues. Critical for incident response.
  • System and communications protection – Securing systems and communication channels through encryption, network segregation, system maintenance, etc.
  • Incident response – Having processes to detect, analyse, and mitigate cybersecurity incidents. It helps limit the damage.

By leveraging NIST 800-53 guidelines, financial companies can systematically evaluate and strengthen their security posture.

It provides a risk-based approach to prioritising and implementing security controls critical in the dynamic cyber threat landscape. Continuous compliance is essential, considering the susceptible data handled by the financial sector.

Cyber Security Requirements for Financial Institutions

Financial institutions face a complex set of cybersecurity requirements due to the sensitive nature of the data they handle and the interconnectedness of financial systems. Some essential requirements include:

  • Regulatory compliance: Financial companies must comply with various cybersecurity regulations and frameworks such as GLBA, FFIEC, NYDFS, and others that mandate specific controls and reporting. These regulations aim to strengthen cybersecurity practices.
  • Network security: Firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems, endpoint security, access controls, and more must secure financial networks. Continuous network monitoring and vulnerability assessment should be a part of every day.
  • Data protection: Encryption, access controls, data loss prevention, and other measures must be a part of the security system to protect sensitive customer data like account numbers, social security numbers, passwords, etc. Proper data classification and management are critical.
  • Incident response: Financial firms need robust incident response capabilities, including detection, containment, eradication, and recovery measures. The testing of response plans must be regular.
  • Third-party oversight: Vendors, contractors, and other third parties must also meet cybersecurity requirements, as they can provide backdoor access if not properly vetted.
  • Employee training: Ongoing security awareness training for employees can mitigate social engineering and accidental data exposures, which are common attack vectors.
  • Identity and access management: Multi-factor authentication, privileged access management, and other identity-related controls limit unauthorised access to systems and data.
  • Legacy systems: Older legacy systems that are difficult to patch pose a significant risk, so strategies like network segmentation can help limit exposures.
  • Resilience: Cyber resilience, disaster recovery, and business continuity capabilities allow financial companies to continue operations during and after an attack.

Ongoing risk assessments, audits, and testing help banks identify gaps in controls or processes. Adequate budget and staffing are crucial to meeting cybersecurity requirements, which continue to evolve as new threats emerge.


In conclusion, cybersecurity is critical for organisations in the financial industry. As this article has shown, financial institutions face immense risks from cyber threats that can result in substantial financial losses and reputation damage.

The complex regulatory landscape, extensive legacy systems, and vast amounts of sensitive customer data make the financial industry an attractive target for threat actors.

While cyberattacks will likely persist, proactive efforts to strengthen cybersecurity controls, invest in emerging technologies, and build organisational resilience can help mitigate risks.

Financial organisations must make cybersecurity a top strategic priority, fostering a culture of security across all levels.

With the accelerating digital transformation, cybersecurity efforts must evolve in parallel. Adopting a risk-based approach, securing partnerships, and leveraging shared intelligence can aid financial institutions in navigating the evolving threat landscape.

Regulators and industry groups are also crucial in setting standards, facilitating information sharing, and providing guidance.

In a digitally interconnected world, a single vulnerability has the potential to ripple across the financial industry. But with robust cybersecurity and vigilance, financial services organizations can continue to innovate while effectively safeguarding critical data assets and upholding public trust.

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