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What Should I Do With My Savings in the UK?

Renata Pacheco

Written by

Renata Pacheco

May 26, 2023

So, you’ve stashed away some money and are left wondering, “What should I do with my savings while I live in the UK?”

The first step to answering that is to be aware of the importance of savings. In an unpredictable economy, savings offer a safety net against unforeseen financial disruptions.

Savings can be your lifeline in times of crisis, such as job loss or sudden significant expenses.

Moreover, they provide the economic foundation for considerable life milestones —buying a house, starting a business, or retiring comfortably.

A handbag and a wallet

How much savings is reasonable?

Identifying a reasonable amount of savings is subjective and depends on your financial situation and lifestyle. Financial experts generally advise saving at least three to six months of living expenses as an emergency fund.

However, this number can vary. Factors like job stability, monthly payments, existing loans, and personal comfort level should influence your target savings.

Remember, protection shouldn’t lead to a stifling lifestyle. The ultimate goal is to save money in a balance between present contentment and future financial security.

Comparing your situation with various savings accounts available in the UK can also guide your saving journey. You should consider the benefits, restrictions, and features of different savings accounts to make an informed choice.

Other charges serve different purposes, and the right choice can make your savings work harder for you.

Choosing the right savings account

Navigating the myriad options of types of savings accounts in the UK might seem daunting, but understanding their specific features can guide you toward making a well-informed decision.

Each type of savings version has distinct attributes that make it suitable for various financial goals and preferences.

Easy access account

These accounts are known for their flexibility because they permit you to withdraw your money whenever needed. So, they are ideal for individuals who want readily available funds.

However, while offering convenience, they typically offer lower interest rates.

Fixed term accounts

They are the opposite of easy-access accounts. Your funds are locked in these accounts for a predetermined period, with penalties for early withdrawal. The reward for your patience?

Higher interest rates make them a great option if you want to invest money that you won’t require immediately.

Cash individual savings account (ISA)

Cash Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) hold their charm. With these accounts, you can earn interest up to a specified limit annually, completely tax-free. The allure of tax benefits makes Cash ISAs an intelligent choice for many savers.

Regular savings accounts

Despite requiring a minimum monthly deposit and often limiting withdrawals, they tend to offer competitive rates, providing an incentive for consistent savers.

In essence, selecting the right savings account is a personalised decision, depending on your financial circumstances, habits, and long-term financial targets.

A man in a maze

Finding the best savings account for your needs

Finding the proper savings account is more than just the highest interest rate. It would be best to consider factors like how often you want to invest money and need to access your savings, the minimum deposit requirement, and whether the account has associated fees.

It’s also essential to consider the security of your savings. The Financial Services Compensation Scheme in the UK protects up to £85,000 per person per financial institution. If your UK bank or building society goes bust, you won’t lose all your savings.

By weighing these aspects, you can find the best savings account that suits your financial habits, maximises your savings growth, and protects your nest egg.

A man by the table

Taking advantage of tax benefits

The UK offers a range of benefits through the Personal Savings Allowance (PSA). Basic rate taxpayers can earn up to £1,000 in savings interest tax-free each tax year.

However, this allowance decreases to £500 for higher rate taxpayers, while additional rate taxpayers do not receive a PSA.

Let’s see some examples. Assume you are a basic rate taxpayer with a savings account that yields £800 in interest over a tax year. Since this amount falls within your PSA, you wouldn’t have to pay tax, providing an efficient way to maximise your savings.

Consider another scenario where you are a higher-rate taxpayer, and your savings account generates £1,500 in interest within the tax year. Of this interest, the first £500 will be tax-free due to your PSA, and the remaining £1,000 will be subject to tax.

This structure provides a clear incentive for all savers to optimise their interest earnings while minimising tax liabilities.

How to pay tax-efficiently when saving money

Paying tax efficiently on your savings is about leveraging the available tools and allowances. For instance, you might consider opening a Cash ISA (Individual Savings Account).

The interest earned in Cash ISAs is tax-free, regardless of your tax bracket or how much you make elsewhere.

Additionally, you can manage your savings across different accounts and tax years to optimise your personal savings allowance. Understanding the tax implications of joint accounts and the difference between sole and common ownership is also beneficial.

In all cases, it’s wise to stay informed about tax regulations. They can change from year to year, impacting the effectiveness of your savings strategy. By staying on top of these changes, you can always pay taxes as efficiently as possible on your savings.

Save money with higher returns

Investing money in stocks can be a strategic way to grow your savings. Unlike savings accounts, which offer guaranteed, but often relatively low rates, the stock market has the potential for higher returns. Essentially, you buy company shares or invest in a fund managed by professionals, hoping the value will increase over time.

Understanding the stock market is essential for anyone considering this path. It comprises various exchanges where publicly traded company shares are bought and sold. These shares’ prices fluctuate based on supply and demand, news about the company, economic indicators, and global events.

Stocks and shares: Risks and rewards

It’s important to note that increased risk comes with the potential for greater returns. Investing in stocks and shares is unlike adding money to a savings account. Your money invested in the stock market can increase or decrease in value, and you can lose the amount you originally invested.

Investment options vary widely, from relatively safe government bonds to risky tech start-ups. Understanding the risks involved and balancing them against potential rewards is crucial. Diversification, or spreading your money across different investments, is a common strategy to manage these risks.

You can get started independently, but many people seek advice from a financial adviser before venturing into the world of stocks and shares. This can help ensure your investment strategy aligns with your goals, risk tolerance, and financial situation.

Financial planning and advising

Navigating the world of savings and investment can be complex. This is where the expertise of an independent financial adviser can make a significant difference. This professional advises managing your finances, including savings, investments, and other financial products. They can help you to understand your situation, set realistic goals, and suggest suitable ways to achieve them.

An independent adviser, unlike a tied or multi-tied adviser or even a fund manager, has the advantage of offering unbiased advice. They can access a broad range of financial products and are not limited to recommending products from specific providers. So, the advice you receive will be tailored to your circumstances and is in your best interest.

Considerations before investing your money

Before you invest your money, there are several essential considerations. Your first step should be to assess your current situation and determine how much risk you are willing to take.

Risk tolerance differs from person to person; some people are comfortable with losing some money in the short term in the hope of higher returns in a long time, while others prefer safer, more predictable investments.

Having a clear idea of your savings goals and timeline is also crucial. Are you saving for a short-term goal, like a house deposit, or are you investing for the long term, like retirement? Your investment strategy should align with these objectives.

Seeking professional advice from a financial adviser can be a valuable step in helping you to navigate these considerations and make informed decisions about where and how to invest your savings.

Strategies for saving and investing lump sum

Having a lump sum to save or invest is an exciting opportunity. Having a clear plan is the key to making the most of it. One approach is distributing your lump sum across various savings and investment vehicles to balance risk and reward.

This strategy, known as diversification, can help protect your savings from potential downturns in any one area.

Remember that your circumstances will influence your strategy. You might opt for lower-risk options like savings accounts or bonds if preserving the lump sum is your top priority.

Alternatively, you might consider higher-risk, higher-return options like stocks and shares if you focus on growth and are comfortable with a degree of risk.

The impact of interest rates on your lump sum savings

These rates are a crucial factor in managing lump sum savings. The rate offered by your bank or financial institution determines the amount of interest your savings will earn over time. A higher interest rate translates into more interest and, thus, more growth for your salvation.

However, interest rates are influenced by various factors, including economic conditions and policies set by the central bank, and can fluctuate over time.

Hence, it’s essential to regularly review the interest rates on your savings accounts and consider switching accounts if you find a better rate elsewhere. Remember, even a slight difference in interest rate can significantly impact your lump sum savings over time.

The benefits of ISAs: cash ISA and shares ISA

ISAs, or Individual Savings Accounts, are a tax-efficient way to save or invest in the UK. They come in different types, but the two most common are the Cash ISAs and the Shares ISAs.

A Cash ISA works much like a regular savings account, with one critical difference: the interest you earn is tax-free. This makes it an excellent option for risk-averse savers.

On the other hand, a Shares ISA, or Stocks and Shares ISA, lets you invest in a range of assets, including stocks, bonds, and funds. Any returns you make, whether through capital gains or dividends, are also tax-free.

By utilising both ISAs, you can diversify your savings and investments while maximising your taxes.

Understanding pension funds and their tax treatment

A pension fund is another tax-efficient way to grow your savings. The money you contribute to a pension fund is typically exempt from income tax up to certain limits, and the fund’s growth is largely tax-free.

This tax treatment depends on individual circumstances and may change, so keeping up-to-date with the latest rules and regulations is essential.

When you eventually draw money from your pension pot, a portion is usually tax-free, with the remainder subject to income tax. However, the tax-efficient nature of pension funds can significantly boost your savings over the long term, making them a key consideration in any savings strategy.

Planning for life’s big moments

Saving for retirement is one of the most critical financial goals most of us have. A retirement fund isn’t just about having enough to live on when work is no longer an option; it’s also about ensuring financial security in your later years.

Aim to save at least as much as your employer will match in your pension pot if you’re in a workplace pension scheme. Over time, try to increase this to a quarter of your earnings. Remember, the magic of compounding means that even small, regular contributions can add up over the years.

Also, it’s a good idea to have an emergency fund with at least three to six months’ worth of living expenses saved. This provides a financial buffer for unexpected costs and can prevent you from dipping into your retirement savings early.

Another important life goal for many is buying a house. Saving for a house deposit can seem daunting, but it’s achievable with a clear savings goal and a disciplined approach to budgeting.

Start by determining how much you need to save – this will depend on the cost of the property you’re interested in and the mortgage provider’s requirements. Then, create a realistic savings plan, perhaps by setting up a separate savings account for your house.

Remember, patience is vital. It might take time to reach your goal, but the security and sense of accomplishment of owning your home will be worth it.


In conclusion, understanding and optimising your savings strategy is crucial for financial success.

Every decision can impact your financial future, from selecting the proper savings account to considering tax-efficient savings options and planning for significant life moments like retirement or buying a house. It can be beneficial to seek professional advice to ensure you’re making the most of your money.

Remember, the question isn’t just “What should I do with my savings in the UK?” but also “How can I best secure my financial future?”.

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