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3D Authentication Failed: Reasons and Solutions

Živile Šarkauskaite

Written by

Živile Šarkauskaite

September 29, 2023

Your 3D authentication failed – a message that has left many online shoppers and merchants puzzled, sometimes even frustrated.

In an era where digital transactions are the norm, 3D Secure authentication stands as a crucial shield against fraud, especially when it comes to online payments.

However, its occasional failures can be both perplexing and concerning. Therefore, in this article, we embark on a journey to demystify the reasons behind 3D authentication failures.

What is 3D secure authentication?

3D secure authentication, also known as 3D Secure (3DS), was launched in 2001 by Visa. Since then, almost every prominent debit and credit card issuer, such as Mastercard or American Express, has developed its versions utilizing 3DS protocols.

Today, 3D Secure (3-domain structure) Authentication, also known as payer authentication, serves as a security protocol crucial for preventing fraud in any credit and debit card transaction conducted through an online payment gateway.

The name 3D Secure derives from its three domains structure, involving:

  1. The merchant account: Corresponds to your business’s acquiring bank.
  2. The bank or card issuer domain: Represents the customer’s bank or other credit card issuer.
  3. The interoperability domain: Provided by the card scheme (e.g., Visa or Mastercard) to support the 3D Secure protocol.

How does 3D authentication work?

3D Secure serves as an added layer of security for online card transactions, allowing the client’s bank or card payment provider to request additional customer data from a cardholder to ensure the legitimacy of the purchase.

3D Secure authentication enhances payment security by introducing an additional step into the checkout process, redirecting customers to their card issuer for verification. Here’s a breakdown of how it operates:

Step 1: The customer initiates the payment process on a website’s checkout page, entering their payment details correctly.

Step 2: Subsequently, they are directed to their card issuer’s 3D Secure web page.

Step 3: At this point, the customer is prompted to provide one of the following:

  • A previously set up password with their bank.
  • A one-time authentication code is sent to their mobile phone or email address.
  • Answers to a unique security question.

Step 4: The card provider verifies the entered card details. If they are approved, the payment is authorized.

Step 5: Once the verification is successful, the customer is seamlessly returned to the main payment page.

It’s worth noting that you may not need to enter a password or authentication code. If the transaction is ‘low-risk,’ such as smaller payments or regularly recurring transactions, the bank or credit card issuer can automatically validate the transaction.

In such cases, once the card provider approves the payment, customers are redirected back to the merchant’s website with an order confirmation message, streamlining the process.

Benefits of 3D secure authentication

3D Secure authentication, while not as prevalent in the US as in some other regions like the EU and Australia, offers many compelling advantages. Here’s why considering full 3D Secure authentication is a prudent choice:

Enhanced security: One of its primary benefits is preventing the theft of card details, adding an extra layer of security for customers.

Fraud protection: It serves as a formidable barrier against online card fraud, safeguarding customers and merchants. This heightened protection is invaluable in an era when online transactions are the norm.

Chargeback defense: 3D Secure authentication shields merchants from unauthorized chargebacks. After 3D Secure authentication, the card payment provider assumes liability. This strategic advantage reduces customer dispute resolution time and cost.

In essence, 3D Secure authentication offers a win-win scenario. Customers’ card details remain secure, merchants gain peace of mind, and the liability for purchases is smoothly transferred to customers’ payment providers, promoting a more secure and efficient online payment ecosystem.

What does it mean when 3D authentication fails?

When an error message occurs during a transaction, it typically means that the cardholder has made a mistake entering their details and that 3D authentication failed.

It can be a wrong password or details like the card number, expiry date, CVC, or even the additional authentication passcode.

When a customer sees that their 3D authentication failed, their debit or credit card provider takes a proactive stance by rejecting the payment, thereby halting the transaction.

This safeguard is crucial in thwarting potential misuse of stolen card information, as it acts as a robust barrier to unauthorized access for various online purchases.

What to do if receive a 3D authentication error message?

When you get an error message about failed 3d secure authentication, first, ensure you entered the details correctly.

However, if a customer encounters a 3D Authentication failed error despite correctly entering their card details and 3DS security requirements, they should first consider disabling any browser extensions, such as pop-up blockers.

That may be causing interference with the 3D secure page. This interference can prevent the 3DS page from functioning correctly. If the issue persists, attempting the payment from a different browser may resolve the error message.

If the error message remains, the cardholder’s recourse is to reach out to the support team of their credit card issuer for guidance.

Moreover, in the event of a technical error within the 3D Secure system, a message reading Transaction failed: technical error in 3D Secure system may appear.

In such cases, individuals should try to make the transaction again. However, if the problem persists, contact support for assistance. Alternatively, you may consider changing the payment method.

How to enable 3D secure authentication authentication?

Setting up 3D secure full authentication on your website is not that complicated. All you have to do is follow these steps:

  1. Connect a 3DS API to your shopping cart, which is easy with platforms like Shopify and Magento.
  2. Consider a payment gateway solution that includes 3D security. Usually, they can link with your site and support various shopping carts.
  3. You’ll also need a separate merchant account for processing payments securely.
  4. Ensure compliance with PCI regulations to safeguard customer data during transactions.

What is 3D secure authentication on Vinted?

Vinted is obliged to apply 3D secure authentication to ensure payment security. It has a third-party payment processor that double-checks your identity before submitting payment, and this way helps prevent fraudulent transactions.

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